It's done for LiveReload. Branch
'jbosstools-4.1.1.Alpha1x' has been pushed on github:
Best regards,
On Aug 30, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> Reminder:
> Codefreeze for update to JBT is 5.9 (thursday next week).
> Please make sure you have jiras updated to 4.1.1.Alpha1 and have the pushes
peerreviewed (we have to careful with not changing/breaking API's etc.)
> I noticed a few that have the jira set to 4.1.1.Final or 4.1.x which means they
aren't showing up when reviewing.
> And please remember to bump the .z number in <version> of your component
pom.xml if you have changes!
> Thanks,
> /max
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