I got several questions about git migration so I thought I would just write this up
quickly with current outstanding issues/info:
Jira does not show git commits in its source tab
There is an open helpdesk request #175361 asking to add all
github.com/jbosstools-* repos
into JBIDE and JBDS jira.
All svn:ignores was not migrated over
This is my fault, I thought the git-svn migration I setup did this but apparently all the
.gitignores that were in there came from our own svn (I assume nickboldt added them while
he used git-svn)
but did not cover the same git-ignore rules as the svn-ignore ones - thus there is some
inconsistencies here.
We dont really need many of these .gitignore's I believe, thus I've added a root
.gitignore in (almost) all projects that excludes target/ and bin/ dir globally. nothing
If your project has a specific file it needs excluding (i.e. a internal build jar) then
add that to a local .gitignore for that directoy - not to the global one.
If you got an editor that creates funky named scratch files I suggest you configure a
global exclude for it. See Global .gitignore at
What happens if I do push --force on our master repos ?
A kittten dies, an angel looses its wings and everyone who have pulled from this repo will
now have to go through excruciating pain of recloning/repulling and rebasing their work.
Oh - and did I mention you might loose someone already pushed changes ?
Unfortunately github does not allow this to be disabled on projects hosted on
(they do on their enterprise repo product -
Thus for now - just don't do it.
I'll try and setup a warning system (add requestb.in hooks to all repos), for it in
case it does happen so we can at least detect it and restore a proper repo if it occurs.
(Hibernate core repos have this and helped them a few times)