Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
We are not creating a separate server type for SOA-P for 3.0 GA.
Simply not enough time nor differences to warrant doing this.
SOA-P is EAP + ESB stuff .....
After GA I'm starting to be inclined to add a specific server type but
I would really not like to have to create a server type for every EAP,
SOA-P, EPP + versions if at all possible.
Topic for eclipsecon maybe ?
> I ask this because I am in the situation when try to create some out
> of the box ESB project examples,
> I want to set the SOA-P classpath container to the projects
> classpath, so they can work with ESB
> runtime support, users just need create a JBoss SOA-P runtime with
> the same name specified in
> project examples in their workspace after they import the project
> examples, but for now, there
> is not a separate server runtime type for JBoss SOA-P, if using EAP
> runtime, users might create
> a EAP runtime and can't make it works, users would be depressed.
Yes - but creating server type wouldn't fix that - in the examples the
only link is the name, not the type afaik.
yes, on the surface, the name is the
only link, but the server type will
hint users which type of server runtime
should be created for projects, and ESB project examples only work with