As tracked in , we are
trying to move installation tests out of jbosstools-base/tests since
it is something that comes on top of JBT/JBDS, and which is not part
of the base. We decided it would make its own git repo, since it's not
exactly integration tests neither, and also because we can anticipate
the fact that some other "Stacks" (SOA, Fuse...) would like to use it
to test their update-sites.
So the repo is here: . Most stuff
was updated to work well with this change.
We're just waiting for some QA jobs will be adapted. Pavol is leading
this stuff for QA side. When he migrates to the new repo/job/URLs and
everything is working well, we'll remove this stuff from jbosstools-base.
The plan is to do it ASAP, but we are not in a hurry for that. So if
Pavol has some more important tasks to do, we'll wait after GA.
Here is a pull request to complete move of installation tests to their
own repo by cleaning the jbosstools-base repo:
This is for master.
Can someone review it and then merge it if everything is fine?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <