Just a quick update on what we have been discussing in context of Eclipse 3.7
Eclipse 3.7 is the target for JBT 3.3
What was discussed on the call today was how to go about getting trunk over to 3.7 and
have nightlbuilds and possibly a very fast M1 build using Eclipse 3.7 bits...
For now nickboldt will establish a build in a branch and we'll estimate the
"damage" to see if its small enough to move trunk directly to 3.7 and have
builds fail until things work or should be done in a separate branch with the overhead of
svn merging down the line (who said Git ?!
Thus for now we are awaiting nick's feedback, but expect to be fix Eclipse 3.7
breakage real soon now in either the indigo branch or trunk - in both cases it should be
done soon rather than later once we know the "damage".