On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 11:33:30AM -0400, Rob Cernich wrote:
> JBTIS is where fully resolvable dependencies are - can't it
just use the
> jbtis public url ?
> otherwise you would just need to create your own site which is a composite of
> the teiid component site and with p2 references
> to the JBTIS target platform.
That is what I would recommend too. We need to get into the habit of rev'ing JBTIS so
that consumers can use it as one stop shopping for integration tooling. In the past,
JBTIS has been sitting on a single version, living in a perpetual limbo. This has got to
change or we will be ill prepared when it comes time to productize the integration tools.
Generally, users of specific components (e.g. TEIID), should install
the latest "release" using the JBTIS site. If those same users want to stay up
to date with the latest nightly or development version of that component, they should also
add the update site for that specific component. This should work for all cases except
where the nightly or dev version changes its dependencies in such a way that they cannot
be fulfilled by JBTIS.
Yeah, I would prefer to avoid creating too many separate individual sites
cross-referencing each other causing a nice mess of p2 sites for users.
For bleeding edge users its fine, but for our "normal" users which tend to use
more than just *one* of our plugins having actual release of JBTIS is crucial since it
allow us to hand out an actual stable url that has a much less likelyhood of problems.
p.s. one could argue that bleeding edge users should be okey adding
<teiid-component-site> + JBTIS-TP site for their bleeding edge testing.
> /max
> On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 01:35:30PM +0100, Paul Richardson wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >With testing the latest Teiid Designer nightlies, we have come across the
> >following constaint on the
> >installation:
> >
> >Missing requirement: Designer Datatools Plug-in
> >8.2.0.Nightly-v20130730-1414-B2372
> >(org.teiid.designer.datatools 8.2.0.Nightly-v20130730-1414-B2372) requires
> >'bundle
> >org.codehaus.jackson.core [1.6.0,2.0.0)' but it could not be found
> >
> >Now I removed jackson.core from Designer's codebase and had it added to
> >JBT-IS, since it is
> >available in JBT's Eclipse Orbit. Thus, jenkins builds the nightlies
> >successfully.
> >
> >However, installing a TD-nightly is only possible with adding the Eclipse
> >Orbit site to available
> >update sites. When we release Designer 8.2 in a couple of weeks, I would
> >like to avoid this becoming
> >an issue for users so is there something that can be done? I am not sure
> >what ...
> >
> >Cheers
> >
> >PGR
> >
> >--
> >Paul Richardson
> >
> > * p.g.richardson(a)redhat.com
> > * pgrichardson(a)linux.com
> > * mob: +44 (0)9780 869490
> >
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