Here is a proposal for change(s) to the JBoss Tools / Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio / Red
Hat Central target platforms.
Affected Versions:
jbosstools 4.4.3.AM2
devstudio 10.3.0.AM2
jbt/ds TPs 4.62.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT
central TPs 4.62.0.AM2-SNAPSHOT
Detail / Summary:
update to PMD 4.0.11 and SpringIDE 3.8.3
Related JIRA(s):
Pull Request(s):
(changes already merged into new AM2 target platform)
p2diff Report(s):
(will attach to JIRA when available)
Please review the above changes, as they will be applied as soon as possible -
usually within 48 hours for big changes, or 2 hours for simple version bumps.
You can use the following to build & test the target platforms locally against
your component(s).
Build target-platform:
cd /path/to/jbosstools-target-platforms
git fetch origin pull/<pull-request-number>/head && git checkout
# or, using hub for git
git checkout <pull-request-URL>
mvn clean install -f jbosstools/multiple/pom.xml
Then, to test the new multiple target platform against your component's build:
cd /path/to/your/jbosstools-component
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.62.0.AM1-SNAPSHOT -Dtpc.targetKind=multiple
For Central, fetch sources from jbosstools-discovery, then build as above.