Look at how CachedMetaDataTest uses it. It never uses CachedMetaDataDialect to perform the
It passes in a DatabaseCollector that can do whatever you want to do with the information
you get from the cachedmeta data dialect.
Sorry, but I fail to see what CachedMetaDataDialect has to do with
code completion lookups ?
> Max, hello.
> I have some propositions to enhance CachedMetaDataDialect:
> As I see here StringKey is used as a compound key for cached data -
> But I think that this strategy has an obvious drawback:
> Let try to imagine the situation with code completion for tables:
> Firstly the user enter letter 'a' and press Ctrl-Space for completion - so
> the compound key for this will be
> StringKey {null, null, "a.*"}
> In a second time the user enter string 'ab' and press Ctrl-Space for
> completion - so the compound key for this case
> StringKey {null, null, "ab.*"}
> And this situation required one separate select from db and we do not get
> benefits from previous cashing.
> So I propose to use other structures and algorithms for cashing here.
> Regards,
> Vitali