Hi guys,
We committed a blocker to CDI tooling in the last minute -
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9951 ( NPE on every CDI Open on)
It's easy to fix and the patch is attached to the issue.
Max, Denis, please review the path and approve applying it to the branch.
On 10/19/2011 09:12 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
We are branched for M4.
I will be disabling the 3.3_trunk jobs shortly in order to free up some
slaves to get the 3.3_stable jobs running.
With the freeze in the branch, please commit only urgent stop-ship
issues which are associated w/ a JIRA and for which a patch is provided
and at least one other developer or manager has agreed.
Meanwhile, trunk remains open for new work toward Beta1, our next milestone.