Shit happens when one do releases ;)
But I've already been asked multiple times today about why JBoss Tools does not work
with AS 7.1 so
I've blogged about a known workaround for issue.
For those seeing freezes in test runs (I saw tdiesler mention that on irc) then we also
see that if we
use AS 7.1 Beta1 jars against a 7.0.x server. The client library just seem to get stuck -
but that isn't
visible in JBoss Tools usage since here we use 7.0.x client libraries.
We've reported what we've found until now in
Darran already located the cause of some of the issue(s) and we'll meetup tomorrow
morning to discuss options/workarounds
for what JBoss Tools can do to support Beta1.
Once Thanksgiving is over we should look into how we can reduce the chances of similar
problems occurring again, i.e.
need to add some basic client regression testing to the AS 7 testsuite before an AS
release or something.