> That's a separate issue - we don't control the views on the .org jenkins. I
think for that you need to open an eng-ops-mw@ or ci-issues@ ticket.
> But most jobs should by now be publishing to that server -- any in particular you see
are missing?
I miss that I can't have the same kind of grouping.
https://hudson.jboss.org/hudson/view/JBossTools/ is one big long mess in comparison
to the view cleanup you are doing on the internal one.
I don't know how you do it on the internal one so would appreciate you send mail with
info to eng-ops or help(a)jboss.org outlining what kind of regular expression/setup you use
so it can be mimicked?
> N
> On 03/06/2012 12:55 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> What i'm most interested in is to get anything related to jbosstools mirrored
hudson.jboss.org so we stop requiring having access to Red Hat VPN to see these
>> Will this change improve on that ?
>> /max
>> On Mar 5, 2012, at 8:15 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>> Further details are here:
>>> Note that most of nested views are already in place; this is simply to purge
some old deprecated ones and rename one.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick
>>> On 03/05/2012 02:12 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> In order to make Hudson clearer to consume for us and for automated
>>>> work, we plan to refactor the Hudson views in order to have a single
>>>> "top-level" view (DevStudio) which contains nested views (such
>>>> DevStudio_Trunk, DevStudio_Stable_Branch and so on). Nested views
>>>> appear on the list of all views on Hudson home, but will be listed and
>>>> available from DevStudio view. The DevStudio view will be the actual
>>>> container of all DevStudio stuff (it is not exactly the case currently).
>>>> From a end-user point of view, it will only replace 3
>>>> buttons on the main Hudson page by a single one that will contain the
>>>> same stuff as the current DevStudio view.
>>>> From an internal point of view, we do not have to deal with links and
>>>> so on to manipulate views, so it will make automated tasks easier to
>>>> perform, configure and write.
>>>> This change will be applied at the beginning of next week.
>>>> You feedback is welcome, especially if you can think of a good reason to
>>>> not performing this refactoring.
>>>> --
>>>> Mickael Istria
>>>> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red
>>>> My blog<http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets
>>>> <
>>> --
>>> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
>>> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools& Dev Studio
> --
> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools& Dev Studio
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio