Hi JBoss AS guys,
Here is another area tooling could need some help from the runtime...
We are looking at finding a way to introspect AS and have some basic
*remote* control over the deployed modules.
Could you guys give some insight to Rob and the rest of us ?
Is JSR-77 supported ? Will it be in EAP 5 ?
JSR-288 had similar issues earlier - are they fixed ? will they be fixed ?
What are the alternatives, if any ?
JSR-77 allows, via JMX, to get a list of which servers are running,
which modules they have, which resources they have, etc. From this
model I can make an effective list of what's deployed on the server
through simple JMX calls.
What I still cannot do, though, is control the modules. The portions
of the spec which deal with managing (starting, stopping) the modules
is optional, and JBoss does not support this. So, while I can get a
nice list of what's deployed / running, I cannot manage any of it.
Is it worth-while for me to add to the Servers View a tree element
(and children) dealing with deployed / running modules considering I
cannot control them? Is this worth pushing up to the platform to force
them to implement when JSR-77 is being removed in the future?
Thoughts appreciated.
- Rob
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