Thanks Anton - just what we needed to hear.
Marshall - could you start the uploads to the various locations ( etc.) but not
release it until after tomorrows conf call
to make sure we got all the last details sorted out (e.g. what's new etc.)
Thanks guys,
Hello Max,
Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 9:04:53 AM, you wrote:
Max Rydahl Andersen> Awsome - QA, this is based
Max Rydahl Andersen> on the 2.0.x builds you have been testing until
Max Rydahl Andersen> now. Could you give a feedback ASAP on
Max Rydahl Andersen> this build if something is
Max Rydahl Andersen> not working (e.g. any critical bug that wasn't in
Max Rydahl Andersen> 2.0.0.GA)
Max Rydahl Andersen> We want to get this one out
Max Rydahl Andersen> of the door this week.
We have verified Verified
all-important functionality. Any critical bugs that wasn't in 2.0.0.GA
were not found. Verified importing all available projects created in
JBDS 1.0.0GA. Verified using workspace with all projects that
was created in JBDS 1.0.0GA.
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