[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBIDE-1957) Palette editor Macro element error
by Aliaksey Nis (JIRA)
Palette editor Macro element error
Key: JBIDE-1957
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBIDE-1957
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 2.1.0.beta1
Environment: Windows XP
Reporter: Aliaksey Nis
Priority: Optional
EXECUTE: Open any *.java file
EXECUTE: Click on Palette Editor button on the top of JBoss Palette
EXECUTE: Right click on Palette element in the dialog. Select Create -> Create Group. Enter Name: New. Click Ok button
ASSERT: Element New is appeared
EXECUTE: Right click on New group, Select Create -> Create Group. Enter Name: Second in dialog. Click Ok button
ASSERT: Element Second is appeared in the group New
EXECUTE: Right click on Second element and select from context menu Create -> Create Macro. Fill fields: Name: macro; Start Text: <html>; End Text: </html>. Click finish
ASSERT: Element macro is appeared in the group Second
EXECUTE: Click Ok in Palette Editor dialog
ASSERT: Palette Editor dialog is disappeared and group New Second is appeared in JBoss Palette
EXECUTE: Click on the group New Second
ASSERT: New Second is opened and there is tag macro
EXECUTE: Drag n Drop macro tag to editor.
ASSERT: String "<html></html>" is appeared in the Editor
EXECUTE: Double click on macro tag in pallette.
FAILURE: String "macro" is appeared in the Editor
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16 years, 10 months