[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-13671) Replace build timestamp in qualifier by last-mod-timestamp from git
by Max Rydahl Andersen (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-13671?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Max Rydahl Andersen commented on JBIDE-13671:
so i'm all for having reliable and reproducible build qualifiers but got some questions to these claims:
we can trust that the timestamp shows when the plugin was ACTUALLY last changed in Github.{quote}
yes, but we will also now be generating identical filenames for *different* content, especially since we still have the parent pom pointing to snapshot's and uses overrides in mvn commands from jenkins. We'll now no longer be able to trust which binary contains what.
i.e. what happens when we've rebuilt hibernate tools multiple times using the same SHA1 but against changing parent pom/TP's making different binaries under same name be available in a cmompsite on the updatesite. How do we know which binary users *actually* have when their name is the same ?
So yes, it's worth it. We've been trying to make this change for 3 years. We tested it for Locus and it works great there. No reason not to roll it out to the rest of the team.{quote}
No, in Locus we don't have an ever cahnging parent pom thus this is not comparable IMO. Also Locus does not have branches - it is just one stream so you don't get builds that mixes up branches as part of the daily work.
Thus i'm struggling to see what has changed since we tried last time to apply this ? What makes it better to use this if we still generate different content ?
> Replace build timestamp in qualifier by last-mod-timestamp from git
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-13671
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-13671
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Enhancement
> Components: build
> Affects Versions: 4.1.0.Alpha1
> Reporter: Nick Boldt
> Assignee: Nick Boldt
> Priority: Optional
> Fix For: 4.4.0.Alpha2
> Attachments: jbide13671-before-and-after.png
> This needs to be added to master parent pom:
> {code}
> <plugin>
> <groupId>org.eclipse.tycho</groupId>
> <artifactId>tycho-packaging-plugin</artifactId>
> <version>${tycho.version}</version>
> <dependencies>
> <dependency>
> <groupId>org.eclipse.tycho.extras</groupId>
> <artifactId>tycho-buildtimestamp-jgit</artifactId>
> <version>${tycho-extras.version}</version>
> </dependency>
> </dependencies>
> <configuration>
> <strictBinIncludes>false</strictBinIncludes>
> <format>'v'yyyyMMdd-HHmm</format>
> <timestampProvider>jgit</timestampProvider>
> <jgit.ignore>
> </jgit.ignore>
> </configuration>
> </plugin>
> {code}
> Ref: http://pweclipse.blogspot.ch/2012_09_01_archive.html
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-22283) reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
by Darryl Miles (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Darryl Miles updated JBIDE-22283:
Summary: reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name (was: revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name)
> reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-22283
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: hibernate
> Affects Versions: 4.3.x
> Environment: Eclipse Mars
> Reporter: Darryl Miles
> revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
> <table name="oc_return_history">
> <foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__return_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
> <column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
> <!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
> <many-to-one property="return"/>
> </foreign-key>
> </table>
> The expected output would be:
> private Return _return;
> but actual output is:
> private Return return;
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-22283) reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
by Darryl Miles (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Darryl Miles updated JBIDE-22283:
reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
<table name="oc_return_history">
<foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__return_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
<column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
<!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
<many-to-one property="return"/>
The expected output would be:
private Return _return;
but actual output is:
private Return return;
revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
<table name="oc_return_history">
<foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__return_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
<column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
<!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
<many-to-one property="return"/>
The expected output would be:
private Return _return;
but actual output is:
private Return return;
> reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-22283
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: hibernate
> Affects Versions: 4.3.x
> Environment: Eclipse Mars
> Reporter: Darryl Miles
> reveng *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
> <table name="oc_return_history">
> <foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__return_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
> <column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
> <!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
> <many-to-one property="return"/>
> </foreign-key>
> </table>
> The expected output would be:
> private Return _return;
> but actual output is:
> private Return return;
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-22283) revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
by Darryl Miles (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Darryl Miles updated JBIDE-22283:
revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
<table name="oc_return_history">
<foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__return_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
<column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
<!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
<many-to-one property="return"/>
The expected output would be:
private Return _return;
but actual output is:
private Return return;
revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
<table name="oc_return_history">
<foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__customer_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
<column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
<!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
<many-to-one property="return"/>
The expected output would be:
private Return _return;
but actual output is:
private Return return;
> revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-22283
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: hibernate
> Affects Versions: 4.3.x
> Environment: Eclipse Mars
> Reporter: Darryl Miles
> revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
> <table name="oc_return_history">
> <foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__return_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
> <column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
> <!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
> <many-to-one property="return"/>
> </foreign-key>
> </table>
> The expected output would be:
> private Return _return;
> but actual output is:
> private Return return;
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-22283) revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
by Darryl Miles (JIRA)
Darryl Miles created JBIDE-22283:
Summary: revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
Key: JBIDE-22283
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-22283
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Bug
Components: hibernate
Affects Versions: 4.3.x
Environment: Eclipse Mars
Reporter: Darryl Miles
revgen *.java emitter does not escape java keyword 'return' as variable name
<table name="oc_return_history">
<foreign-key constraint-name="FK_oc_return_history__customer_id" foreign-table="oc_return">
<column-ref local-column="return_id" foreign-column="return_id"/>
<!-- this breaks the generator trying to name local variable as a java keyword -->
<many-to-one property="return"/>
The expected output would be:
private Return _return;
but actual output is:
private Return return;
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
8 years, 7 months