[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-27032) Update Maven ITests to JavaEE 8/7 components
by Josef Kopriva (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-27032?page=com.atlassian.jira.plug... ]
Josef Kopriva updated JBIDE-27032:
Please review all maven ITests and update to use JavaEE 8 components.
Use https://access.redhat.com/articles/113373 to find correct versions
You need to go through all tests and review them, if they are using old technology/specification and create new tests to use technology/specification from Java EE7 and 8.
E.g. all configurators tests and maybe more tests.
Please review all maven ITests and update to use JavaEE 8 components.
Use https://access.redhat.com/articles/113373 to find correct versions
You need to go through all tests and review them, if they are using old
> Update Maven ITests to JavaEE 8/7 components
> --------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-27032
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-27032
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Task
> Components: integration-tests, maven
> Affects Versions: 4.14.0.AM1
> Reporter: Josef Kopriva
> Assignee: Zbyněk Červinka
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.14.0.Final
> Please review all maven ITests and update to use JavaEE 8 components.
> Use https://access.redhat.com/articles/113373 to find correct versions
> You need to go through all tests and review them, if they are using old technology/specification and create new tests to use technology/specification from Java EE7 and 8.
> E.g. all configurators tests and maybe more tests.
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-26787) Several tests in examples.wildfly.itests are failing due to "Exception during sync execution in UI thread"
by Zbyněk Červinka (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-26787?page=com.atlassian.jira.plug... ]
Zbyněk Červinka updated JBIDE-26787:
Fix Version/s: 4.14.x
> Several tests in examples.wildfly.itests are failing due to "Exception during sync execution in UI thread"
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-26787
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-26787
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: integration-tests, project-examples
> Affects Versions: 4.13.0.AM1
> Environment: All, tests are failing sporadically.
> Reporter: Zbyněk Červinka
> Assignee: Zbyněk Červinka
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.14.x
> Attachments: first_unsuccessful_attempt_to_fix_this_issue.png, second_unsuccessful_attempt_to_fix_this_issue.png
> Several tests in examples.wildfly.itests are failing due to "Exception during sync execution in UI thread"
> h2. *Jenkins:*
> https://dev-platform-jenkins.rhev-ci-vms.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/job/examples...
> h2. *Stack Trace:*
> org.eclipse.reddeer.common.exception.RedDeerException: Exception during sync execution in UI thread
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest(WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.java:62)
> Caused by: org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Widget is disposed
> h2. *Standard Error:*
> org.eclipse.reddeer.common.exception.RedDeerException: Exception during sync execution in UI thread
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.common.util.Display.handleErrorOccured(Display.java:112)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.common.util.Display.syncExec(Display.java:84)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.core.handler.TreeItemHandler.getText(TreeItemHandler.java:68)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.tree.AbstractTreeItem.getCell(AbstractTreeItem.java:77)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.ui.problems.Problem.getCell(Problem.java:68)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.ui.markers.AbstractMarker.getDescription(AbstractMarker.java:43)
> at org.jboss.tools.central.reddeer.api.ExamplesOperator.getAllWarnings(ExamplesOperator.java:225)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.checkForWarnings(AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.java:375)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.runQuickstarts(AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.java:283)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest(WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.java:62)
> at jdk.internal.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor185.invoke(Unknown Source)
> at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:566)
> at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:50)
> at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:12)
> at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:47)
> ...
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-26900) Several maven.itests are failing on Java 11
by Zbyněk Červinka (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-26900?page=com.atlassian.jira.plug... ]
Zbyněk Červinka updated JBIDE-26900:
Fix Version/s: 4.14.x
> Several maven.itests are failing on Java 11
> -------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-26900
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-26900
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: integration-tests, maven
> Affects Versions: 4.13.0.Final
> Environment: All OSes
> Reporter: Zbyněk Červinka
> Assignee: Zbyněk Červinka
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.14.x
> Attachments: maven.itests.png
> Several maven.itests are failing on Java 11. See the quick preview of the issue on the following image:
> !maven.itests.png|thumbnail!
> *Jenkins with more details:* https://dev-platform-jenkins.rhev-ci-vms.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/job/maven.it...
> h1. Details about
> h3. The 2 following org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test.conversion tests are failing always due to the *https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-26916* issue:
> * deleteDependenciesAfterConversion
> * keepDependenciesAfterConversion
> h3. The 3 following org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test.conversion tests fail sometimes and randomly due to some timeouts and not stable above mentioned 2 tests from the same testclass:
> * changeIdentifiedDependency
> * testAddRepositoryLinkInConversionWizard
> * testRemoteRepositoriesLinkInConversionWizard
> h3. The following org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test.configurator tests fail almost always:
> * CDIConfiguratorTest
> * JSFConfiguratorTest
> h3. The following org.jboss.tools.maven.ui.bot.test.configurator tests fail only sometimes:
> * JAXRSConfiguratorTest
> * JPAConfiguratorTest
This message was sent by Atlassian Jira
4 years, 10 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-26830) examples.wildfly.itests contains error "Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details"
by Zbyněk Červinka (Jira)
[ https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-26830?page=com.atlassian.jira.plug... ]
Zbyněk Červinka updated JBIDE-26830:
Fix Version/s: 4.14.x
> examples.wildfly.itests contains error "Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-26830
> URL: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/JBIDE-26830
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: project-examples
> Affects Versions: 4.12.0.Final
> Environment: JDK 1.8 + JDK 11
> Ubuntu 18.04, RHEL 7, Fedora 30, Fedora 29
> Reporter: Zbyněk Červinka
> Assignee: Zbyněk Červinka
> Priority: Major
> Fix For: 4.14.x
> Attachments: before_and_after_install_of_checkstyle_plugin.png, install2.png, install3.png, install4.png, manual-testing-maven-checkstyle-plugin-version-needed.png, org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest(5).png
> h2. *Several examples contains the following error:*
> {color:#DE350B}"Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details"{color}
> h2. *List of WildFly examples with this issue:*
> * spring-greeter
> * deltaspike-beanbuilder
> * kitchensink
> * kitchensink-angularjs
> * kitchensink-ml
> * kitchensink-ear
> * tasks-jsf
> * tasks-rs
> * spring-kitchensink-basic
> * spring-kitchensink-springmvctest
> * contacts-jquerymobile
> h2. *Jenkins builds that contains this type of error:*
> https://dev-platform-jenkins.rhev-ci-vms.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/job/examples...
> https://dev-platform-jenkins.rhev-ci-vms.eng.rdu2.redhat.com/job/examples...
> h2. *Additional info:*
> - same issue discussed here: https://github.com/checkstyle/eclipse-cs/issues/94
> - https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=537623
> - possible reason: checkstyle plugin version/configuration
> h2. Information from Jenkins:
> *Error details:*
> {code:java}
> There are errors in imported project:
> Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details...
> Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details...
> {code}
> *Stack Trace:*
> {code:java}
> java.lang.AssertionError:
> There are errors in imported project:
> Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details...
> Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details...
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest(WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.java:62)
> {code}
> *Standard Output:*
> {code:java}
> 14:44:21.723 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][RequirementsRunner] Finished test: quickstartTest WildFly-18 [kitchensink-jsp](org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest)
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][ParameterizedRequirementsRunner] Injecting fulfilled requirements into test instance
> 14:44:21.723 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][RequirementsRunner] Started test: quickstartTest WildFly-18 [jaxws-addressing](org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest)
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run before test extensions for test class org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.DisableAERI
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.CloseWelcomeScreenExt
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.SetOpenAssociatedPerspectiveExt
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.before.test.impl.DoNotDownloadMavenIndexesExt
> 14:44:21.723 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIBeforeTestExtensions] Run method runBeforeTest() of class org.jboss.tools.maven.reddeer.junit.extensions.before.test.impl.SetMavenUserSettings
> 14:44:21.725 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:21.725 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:21.725 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] View 'Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E'' is already open. Activate.
> 14:44:21.725 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:21.726 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:21.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data
> 14:44:21.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:44:21.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:44:21.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data'
> 14:44:21.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.workbench.impl.shell.WorkbenchShell, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E')
> 14:44:21.726 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:21.726 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:21.727 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:21.727 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:21.727 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
> 14:44:21.727 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:44:21.727 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:44:21.736 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:44:21.736 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:44:21.751 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:44:21.751 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:44:21.753 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:44:21.755 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:44:21.755 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:21.755 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:21.756 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:44:22.256 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.262 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:44:22.762 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.762 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:44:22.762 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
> 14:44:22.762 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:44:22.762 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:44:22.764 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:44:22.764 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:44:22.764 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:44:22.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.765 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.765 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.765 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.765 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][ShellHandler] Getting Menu Bar of shell 'data'
> 14:44:22.766 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'File'
> 14:44:22.766 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:File
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New Shift+Alt+N'
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Open File...'
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Open Projects from File System...'
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Recent Files'
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Close Ctrl+W'
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Close All Shift+Ctrl+W'
> 14:44:22.773 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Save Ctrl+S'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Save As...'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Save All Shift+Ctrl+S'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Revert'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Move...'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Rename... F2'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refresh F5'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Convert Line Delimiters To'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Print... Ctrl+P'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Import...'
> 14:44:22.774 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Import...
> 14:44:22.777 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Import..."
> 14:44:22.777 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Import...
> 14:44:22.777 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Import...
> 14:44:22.839 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import"] is available....
> 14:44:22.840 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import"] is available. finished successfully
> 14:44:22.840 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import"] is available....
> 14:44:22.840 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import"] is available. finished successfully
> 14:44:22.840 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Import
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.842 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Import" as the parent
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:44:22.842 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.842 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.843 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.843 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.843 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.844 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree has children...
> 14:44:22.844 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree has children finished successfully
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until treeItem Maven has children...
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item Maven
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Tree Item Maven is already expanded. No action performed
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
> 14:44:22.845 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: Maven
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until treeItem Maven has children finished successfully
> 14:44:22.845 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expand Tree Item Maven
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification...
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Tree Item Maven is already expanded. No action performed
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until tree heard expand notification finished successfully
> 14:44:22.846 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Expanded: Maven
> 14:44:22.846 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item Existing Maven Projects
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: Existing Maven Projects
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item Existing Maven Projects about selection
> 14:44:22.846 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: Existing Maven Projects
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Next >")
> 14:44:22.846 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:44:22.847 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.847 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.847 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Import" as the parent
> 14:44:22.847 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:44:22.847 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.847 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.848 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.848 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.848 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.848 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button &Next >
> 14:44:22.848 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
> 14:44:22.848 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
> 14:44:22.849 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
> 14:44:22.849 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:44:22.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is available....
> 14:44:22.913 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is available. finished successfully
> 14:44:22.913 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is available....
> 14:44:22.913 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is available. finished successfully
> 14:44:22.913 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Import Maven Projects
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget with label:
> is "Root Directory:")
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.914 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Import Maven Projects" as the parent
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:44:22.914 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.914 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.917 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.917 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.918 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCombo] Set text of Combo to:/mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/examples.wildfly.it.weekly/jdk/jdk1.8/label/ubuntu1804/jbosstools-integration-tests/tests/org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test/target/quickstart-18.0.0.Final/jaxws-addressing
> 14:44:22.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Refresh")
> 14:44:22.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:44:22.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.918 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Import Maven Projects" as the parent
> 14:44:22.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:44:22.918 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.918 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.919 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.919 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.919 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.954 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button &Refresh
> 14:44:22.954 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
> 14:44:22.954 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
> 14:44:22.954 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
> 14:44:22.954 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:44:22.961 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:44:22.961 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:44:22.969 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.969 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.969 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Import Maven Projects" as the parent
> 14:44:22.969 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:44:22.969 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.969 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.979 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.979 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.980 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until At least one project is loaded...
> 14:44:22.980 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until At least one project is loaded finished successfully
> 14:44:22.980 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Finish")
> 14:44:22.980 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:44:22.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:44:22.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:44:22.981 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Import Maven Projects" as the parent
> 14:44:22.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:44:22.981 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:44:22.981 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:44:22.984 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:44:22.984 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:44:22.984 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:44:22.985 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button &Finish
> 14:44:22.985 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
> 14:44:22.986 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
> 14:44:22.992 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
> 14:44:22.992 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:44:23.061 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is active...
> 14:44:23.061 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is active finished successfully
> 14:44:23.061 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is active...
> 14:44:33.067 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Import Maven Projects"] is active failed, an exception will be thrown
> 14:44:33.067 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Found cheatsheet"] is available....
> 14:44:43.072 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Found cheatsheet"] is available. failed, an exception will be thrown
> 14:44:43.073 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:44:43.073 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:43.573 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:44.073 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:44.573 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:45.074 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:45.574 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:46.074 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:46.574 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:47.074 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:47.575 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:48.075 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:48.575 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:49.075 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:49.575 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:50.075 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:50.576 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:51.076 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:51.576 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:52.076 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:52.576 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:53.077 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:53.577 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:54.077 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:54.577 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:55.079 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:55.579 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:56.080 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:56.580 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:57.080 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:57.580 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:58.080 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:58.581 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:59.081 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:44:59.581 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:00.081 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:00.581 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:01.081 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:01.582 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:02.082 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:02.582 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:03.082 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:03.582 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:04.082 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:04.583 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:05.083 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:05.583 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:06.083 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:06.583 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:07.083 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:07.584 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:08.084 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:08.584 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:09.084 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:09.584 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:10.085 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:10.585 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:11.085 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:11.585 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:12.085 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:12.586 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:13.086 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:13.586 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:14.086 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:14.586 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:15.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:15.587 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:16.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:16.587 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:17.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:17.587 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:18.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:18.588 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:19.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:19.597 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:20.097 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:20.597 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:21.097 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:21.597 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:22.097 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:22.597 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:23.098 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:23.598 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:24.098 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:24.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:25.113 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Importing Maven projects' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Flushing content description cache.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Building workspace' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Animation start' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Decoration Calculation' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Searching for markers' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'JSP Index Manager: Processing Resource Events' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Configuring for JavaScript' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Periodic workspace save.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:25.613 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:25.614 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:25.614 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:25.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data
> 14:45:25.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:25.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:25.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data'
> 14:45:25.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.workbench.impl.shell.WorkbenchShell, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E')
> 14:45:25.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:25.615 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:25.616 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:25.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:25.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
> 14:45:25.616 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:25.616 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:25.635 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:25.635 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell Text=data TooltipText=null
> 14:45:25.635 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] No control in opened view has a focus!
> 14:45:25.635 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Setting implicit focus...
> 14:45:25.637 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:25.637 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:25.639 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:25.639 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:25.639 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:25.639 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:25.639 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:26.139 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:26.139 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:26.640 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:26.640 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:26.640 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
> 14:45:26.640 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:26.640 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:26.642 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:26.642 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:26.643 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:45:26.643 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:26.643 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:26.643 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:26.643 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:26.643 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:26.643 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:26.644 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:26.644 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:26.647 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:26.647 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:26.648 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:26.648 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:26.648 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:26.649 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:26.652 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:26.653 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:26.653 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:26.653 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:26.653 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:27.153 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:27.154 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:27.654 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:27.654 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:27.654 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
> 14:45:27.654 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:27.654 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:27.656 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:27.656 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:27.656 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:45:27.657 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:27.657 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:27.657 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:27.657 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:27.657 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:27.657 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:27.657 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:27.657 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:27.658 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:27.658 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:27.658 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing about selection
> 14:45:27.668 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:27.668 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:27.668 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show in Local Terminal'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Move...'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Rename... F2'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Import...'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Export...'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refresh F5'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Close Project'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Close Unrelated Projects'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Mark as Deployable'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show in Remote Systems view'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Run As'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Debug As'
> 14:45:27.770 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Profile As'
> 14:45:27.771 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Restore from Local History...'
> 14:45:27.771 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Checkstyle'
> 14:45:27.771 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Maven'
> 14:45:27.771 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Maven
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Add Dependency'
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Add Plugin'
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New Maven Module Project'
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Download Javadoc'
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Download Sources'
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Update Project... Alt+F5'
> 14:45:27.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Update Project... Alt+F5
> 14:45:27.773 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Update Project... Alt+F5"
> 14:45:27.773 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Update Project... Alt+F5
> 14:45:27.773 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Update Project... Alt+F5
> 14:45:27.835 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TitleAreaDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Update Maven Project"] is available....
> 14:45:27.835 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
> 14:45:27.835 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Get widget data
> 14:45:27.836 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Window matching class class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TitleAreaDialog, Matcher matching widget which text matches: "Update Maven Project"] is available. finished successfully
> 14:45:27.836 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Update Maven Project
> 14:45:27.836 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:27.836 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:27.836 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal.dialogs.UpdateMavenProjectsDialog, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 32, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "Clean projects")
> 14:45:27.836 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:27.836 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:27.838 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:27.838 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:27.838 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:27.838 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Select checkbox Clean projects
> 14:45:27.838 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Checkbox Clean projects already selected, no action performed
> 14:45:27.838 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.eclipse.m2e.core.ui.internal.dialogs.UpdateMavenProjectsDialog, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "OK", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
> 14:45:27.838 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:27.838 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:27.840 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:27.840 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:27.840 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable]
> ...[truncated 99129 chars]...
> s
> 14:45:42.569 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.569 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:42.569 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:42.571 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:45:42.571 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:42.571 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.572 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.572 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:42.572 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:42.573 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.591 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.591 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data
> 14:45:42.592 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:42.592 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:42.592 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data'
> 14:45:42.592 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.workbench.impl.shell.WorkbenchShell, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProblems\E')
> 14:45:42.592 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:42.592 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.608 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.609 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:42.609 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
> 14:45:42.609 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Problems
> 14:45:42.609 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Problems
> 14:45:42.615 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:42.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell Text=data TooltipText=null
> 14:45:42.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] No control in opened view has a focus!
> 14:45:42.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Setting implicit focus...
> 14:45:42.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:45:42.616 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:42.616 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.617 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.617 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:42.617 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:42.619 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:45:42.619 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:42.619 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.620 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.620 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:42.620 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:42.623 ERROR [WorkbenchTestable][RunTestMethod] Test org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest throws exception:
> 14:45:42.641 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Capturing Screenshot: ./target/screenshots/WildFly-18/org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest.png
> 14:45:42.757 DEBUG [main][ScreenshotCapturer] Screenshot successfully captured. Saved in /mnt/hudson_workspace/workspace/examples.wildfly.it.weekly/jdk/jdk1.8/label/ubuntu1804/jbosstools-integration-tests/tests/org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test/./target/screenshots/WildFly-18/org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest.png
> 14:45:42.757 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShellHandler] Closing all shells...
> 14:45:42.759 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:42.759 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:42.760 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.761 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.761 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] View 'Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E'' is already open. Activate.
> 14:45:42.761 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.762 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.762 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data
> 14:45:42.762 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:42.762 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:42.763 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data'
> 14:45:42.763 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.workbench.impl.shell.WorkbenchShell, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QProject Explorer\E')
> 14:45:42.763 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:42.763 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.764 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:42.764 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:42.764 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
> 14:45:42.764 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:42.764 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:42.793 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:42.793 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:42.794 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:42.794 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:42.795 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:42.795 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:42.795 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:42.796 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:42.796 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:43.296 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:43.296 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:43.796 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:43.797 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0is not found
> 14:45:43.797 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found failed, NO exception will be thrown
> 14:45:43.797 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Project Explorer
> 14:45:43.797 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Project Explorer
> 14:45:43.799 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:43.799 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:43.799 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabItem, index 0 and no matchers specified
> 14:45:43.799 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:43.799 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:43.800 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:43.800 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:43.800 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree and index 0 was found
> 14:45:43.800 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:43.800 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:43.800 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractExplorer] Getting project with name jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:43.800 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:43.800 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:43.801 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing about selection
> 14:45:43.811 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:43.811 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:43.811 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show in Local Terminal'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Move...'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Rename... F2'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Import...'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Export...'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refresh F5'
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Refresh F5
> 14:45:43.887 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"Re&fresh F5"
> 14:45:43.887 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Refresh F5
> 14:45:43.888 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: Re&fresh F5
> 14:45:43.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:45:43.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'refresh' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Animation start' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Periodic workspace save.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractResource] Delete resource'jaxws-addressing' via Explorer
> 14:45:44.388 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:44.388 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:44.389 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing about selection
> 14:45:44.394 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing
> 14:45:44.395 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:44.395 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show in Local Terminal'
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:44.465 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:44.466 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Delete Delete
> 14:45:44.466 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Delete Delete"
> 14:45:44.466 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Delete Delete
> 14:45:44.466 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Delete Delete
> 14:45:44.500 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'Delete.*'] is available....
> 14:45:45.080 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'Delete.*'] is available. finished successfully
> 14:45:45.080 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Delete Resources
> 14:45:45.081 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:45.086 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:45.086 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:45.086 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:45.086 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 32)
> 14:45:45.086 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:45:45.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:45.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:45.087 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Delete Resources" as the parent
> 14:45:45.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:45:45.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:45.087 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:45.087 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:45.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:45.087 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:45.088 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Select checkbox &Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone)
> 14:45:45.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Checkbox &Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone) not checked, no action performed
> 14:45:45.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "OK", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
> 14:45:45.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:45:45.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:45.088 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:45.089 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Delete Resources" as the parent
> 14:45:45.089 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:45:45.089 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:45.089 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:45.089 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:45.090 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:45.090 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:45.090 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button OK
> 14:45:45.090 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
> 14:45:45.090 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
> 14:45:45.090 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
> 14:45:45.090 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:45.094 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until Shell has children or is not available....
> 14:45:45.095 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][ShellHasChildrenOrIsNotAvailable] number of child shells: 0
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until Shell has children or is not available. finished successfully
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][DeleteUtils] Delete shell is disposed.
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Reporting encoding changes.' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'JSP Index Manager: Processing Resource Events' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Updating Maven Dependencies' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Flushing content description cache.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.595 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:45.596 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:45.596 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:45.596 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing-client about selection
> 14:45:45.602 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:45.606 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:45.606 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Qualified Name'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Build Path'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refactor Shift+Alt+T'
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:45.683 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Import...'
> 14:45:45.684 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Export...'
> 14:45:45.684 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:45.684 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refresh F5'
> 14:45:45.684 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Refresh F5
> 14:45:45.684 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"Re&fresh F5"
> 14:45:45.684 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Refresh F5
> 14:45:45.684 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: Re&fresh F5
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Decoration Calculation' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Animation start' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Updating Maven Dependencies' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Flushing content description cache.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Building workspace' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:45.687 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:45.688 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractResource] Delete resource'jaxws-addressing-client' via Explorer
> 14:45:45.689 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:45.689 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:45.689 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing-client about selection
> 14:45:45.694 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing-client
> 14:45:45.695 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:45.695 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Qualified Name'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Delete Delete
> 14:45:45.772 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Delete Delete"
> 14:45:45.772 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Delete Delete
> 14:45:45.772 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Delete Delete
> 14:45:45.784 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'Delete.*'] is available....
> 14:45:45.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'Delete.*'] is available. finished successfully
> 14:45:45.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Delete Resources
> 14:45:45.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:45.888 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:45.888 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:45.889 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 32)
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:45.889 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Delete Resources" as the parent
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:45.889 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:45.889 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:45.889 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:45.890 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Select checkbox &Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone)
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Checkbox &Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone) not checked, no action performed
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "OK", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:45.890 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Delete Resources" as the parent
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:45:45.890 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:45.890 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:45.891 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:45.891 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:45.891 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:45.891 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button OK
> 14:45:45.891 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
> 14:45:45.891 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
> 14:45:45.891 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
> 14:45:45.891 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:45.895 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until Shell has children or is not available....
> 14:45:45.895 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][ShellHasChildrenOrIsNotAvailable] number of child shells: 0
> 14:45:46.396 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until Shell has children or is not available. finished successfully
> 14:45:46.396 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][DeleteUtils] Delete shell is disposed.
> 14:45:46.396 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:45:46.396 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Implicit Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.396 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Updating Maven Dependencies' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'EAR Libraries Update Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Update dynamic Java sources working sets' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Decoration Calculation' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Building workspace' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'JSP Index Manager: Processing Resource Events' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Flushing content description cache.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Periodic workspace save.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:46.896 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:46.896 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:46.898 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing-service about selection
> 14:45:46.905 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:46.905 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:46.905 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Qualified Name'
> 14:45:47.005 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Build Path'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refactor Shift+Alt+T'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Import'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Export'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Refresh F5'
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Refresh F5
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"Re&fresh F5"
> 14:45:47.006 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Refresh F5
> 14:45:47.006 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: Re&fresh F5
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:45:47.006 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.007 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'refresh' has no excuses, wait for it
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Change cursor' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Change cursor' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Flushing content description cache.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'JSP Index Manager: Processing Resource Events' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Building workspace' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Periodic workspace save.' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractResource] Delete resource'jaxws-addressing-service' via Explorer
> 14:45:47.507 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractTreeItem] Select tree item jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [main][TreeItemHandler] Selecting tree item: jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:47.507 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Notify tree item jaxws-addressing-service about selection
> 14:45:47.517 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][TreeItemHandler] Selected tree item: jaxws-addressing-service
> 14:45:47.517 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Tree with event 35
> 14:45:47.517 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'New'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Go Into'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Show In Shift+Alt+W'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:''
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Ctrl+C'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Copy Qualified Name'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Paste Ctrl+V'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Found menu:'Delete Delete'
> 14:45:47.604 DEBUG [main][MenuItemLookup] Item match:Delete Delete
> 14:45:47.605 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][MenuItemHandler] Queried MenuItem text:"&Delete Delete"
> 14:45:47.605 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractMenuItem] Select menu item with text Delete Delete
> 14:45:47.606 INFO [main][MenuItemHandler] Select menu item: &Delete Delete
> 14:45:47.618 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'Delete.*'] is available....
> 14:45:48.219 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell matching Matcher matching when all matchers match: [Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression 'Delete.*'] is available. finished successfully
> 14:45:48.219 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell Delete Resources
> 14:45:48.220 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:48.223 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:48.223 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.223 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.223 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 32)
> 14:45:48.223 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:45:48.224 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:48.224 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:48.224 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Delete Resources" as the parent
> 14:45:48.224 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:45:48.224 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:48.224 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.224 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.224 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:48.224 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:48.225 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Select checkbox &Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone)
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][CheckBox] Checkbox &Delete project contents on disk (cannot be undone) not checked, no action performed
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with no referenced composite specified, index 0 and following matchers specified (Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8, Matcher matching widgets with text that without mnenomic matches: is "OK", Widget matcher matching widgets with style: 8)
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] No parent specified, finding one
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:48.225 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Setting active shell with title "Delete Resources" as the parent
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Parent found successfully
> 14:45:48.225 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:48.225 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.226 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.226 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:48.226 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button and index 0 was found
> 14:45:48.226 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractButton] Click button OK
> 14:45:48.226 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled...
> 14:45:48.227 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until control is enabled finished successfully
> 14:45:48.227 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify Button with event 13
> 14:45:48.227 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:48.230 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until Shell has children or is not available....
> 14:45:48.231 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][ShellHasChildrenOrIsNotAvailable] number of child shells: 0
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until Shell has children or is not available. finished successfully
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][DeleteUtils] Delete shell is disposed.
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running...
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Process Console Input Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Reporting encoding changes.' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'JSP Index Manager: Processing Resource Events' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Decoration Calculation' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Updating Maven Dependencies' is not running, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Update dynamic Java sources working sets' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist Web App Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Persist EAR Libraries State' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Compacting resource model' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Git Repository Change Scanner' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Workbench Auto-Save Job' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][JobIsRunning] job 'Daily usage event reporting' is a system job, skipped
> 14:45:48.731 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting while at least one job is running finished successfully
> 14:45:48.731 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Clearing console
> 14:45:48.732 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.736 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.736 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractShell] Set focus to Shell data
> 14:45:48.736 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active...
> 14:45:48.736 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until shell is active finished successfully
> 14:45:48.737 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShell] Workbench shell has title 'data'
> 14:45:48.737 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.workbench.impl.shell.WorkbenchShell, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which text matches: Matcher matching text to regular expression '\*?\QConsole\E')
> 14:45:48.737 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:48.737 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.739 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.739 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:48.739 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem and index 0 was found
> 14:45:48.739 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Activate view Console
> 14:45:48.739 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractCTabItem] Activate Console
> 14:45:48.772 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Active workbench control=Class=org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer$1 Text=<unavailable> TooltipText=null
> 14:45:48.773 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchPartHandler] Focused control=Class=org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText Text= TooltipText=null
> 14:45:48.773 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem with referenced composite class org.eclipse.reddeer.swt.impl.ctab.DefaultCTabFolder, index 0 and following matchers specified (Matcher matching widget which tooltip matches: "Clear Console")
> 14:45:48.773 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found...
> 14:45:48.773 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.773 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.774 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until widget is found finished successfully
> 14:45:48.774 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Active widget with class type org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem and index 0 was found
> 14:45:48.774 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractToolItem] Click tool item Clear Console
> 14:45:48.774 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Notify ToolItem with event 13
> 14:45:48.774 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetHandler] Wait for synchronization
> 14:45:48.774 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until console text is ""...
> 14:45:48.774 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] Looking up widget with index 0 with specified parent and matchers
> 14:45:48.774 TRACE [WorkbenchTestable][WidgetLookup] widget with index 0 is found
> 14:45:48.775 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until console text is "" finished successfully
> 14:45:48.775 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractView] Console cleared
> 14:45:48.775 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run after test extensions for test class org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest
> 14:45:48.775 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run method runAfterTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.after.test.impl.CloseAllShellsExt
> 14:45:48.775 INFO [WorkbenchTestable][WorkbenchShellHandler] Closing all shells...
> 14:45:48.775 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists...
> 14:45:48.775 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][AbstractWait] Waiting until active shell exists finished successfully
> 14:45:48.776 DEBUG [WorkbenchTestable][RunIAfterTestExtensions] Run method runAfterTest() of class org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.extension.log.collector.AftersLogCollector
> {code}
> *Standard Error:*
> {code:java}
> java.lang.AssertionError: There are errors in imported project:
> Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details...
> Checkstyle execution failed due to an internal error. Please check the error log for details...
> at org.junit.Assert.fail(Assert.java:88)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.checkForErrors(AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.java:399)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.checkForErrors(AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.java:382)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.runQuickstarts(AbstractImportQuickstartsTest.java:287)
> at org.jboss.tools.examples.ui.bot.test.integration.WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.quickstartTest(WildFlyImportQuickstartsTest.java:62)
> at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor173.invoke(Unknown Source)
> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
> at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod$1.runReflectiveCall(FrameworkMethod.java:50)
> at org.junit.internal.runners.model.ReflectiveCallable.run(ReflectiveCallable.java:12)
> at org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod.invokeExplosively(FrameworkMethod.java:47)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunTestMethod.evaluate(RunTestMethod.java:48)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunBefores.evaluate(RunBefores.java:85)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIBeforeTestExtensions.evaluate(RunIBeforeTestExtensions.java:73)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunAfters.evaluate(RunAfters.java:72)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIAfterTestExtensions.evaluate(RunIAfterTestExtensions.java:59)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runLeaf(ParentRunner.java:325)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.RequirementsRunner.runChild(RequirementsRunner.java:171)
> at org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.runChild(BlockJUnit4ClassRunner.java:57)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:290)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:71)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:288)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:58)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:268)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:363)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.RequirementsRunner.run(RequirementsRunner.java:153)
> at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128)
> at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:27)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:290)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:71)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:288)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:58)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:268)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunBeforeClasses.evaluate(RunBeforeClasses.java:81)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.FulfillRequirementsStatement.evaluate(FulfillRequirementsStatement.java:46)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIBeforeClassExtensions.evaluate(RunIBeforeClassExtensions.java:72)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunAfterClasses.evaluate(RunAfterClasses.java:68)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.CleanUpRequirementStatement.evaluate(CleanUpRequirementStatement.java:45)
> at org.eclipse.reddeer.junit.internal.runner.statement.RunIAfterClassExtensions.evaluate(RunIAfterClassExtensions.java:57)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:363)
> at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128)
> at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:27)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:290)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:71)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:288)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:58)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:268)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:363)
> at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:128)
> at org.junit.runners.Suite.runChild(Suite.java:27)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$3.run(ParentRunner.java:290)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$1.schedule(ParentRunner.java:71)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.runChildren(ParentRunner.java:288)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.access$000(ParentRunner.java:58)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner$2.evaluate(ParentRunner.java:268)
> at org.junit.runners.ParentRunner.run(ParentRunner.java:363)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(JUnit4Provider.java:365)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun(JUnit4Provider.java:273)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(JUnit4Provider.java:238)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(JUnit4Provider.java:159)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
> at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray2(ReflectionUtils.java:206)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory$ProviderProxy.invoke(ProviderFactory.java:161)
> at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ProviderFactory.invokeProvider(ProviderFactory.java:84)
> at org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.OsgiSurefireBooter.run(OsgiSurefireBooter.java:108)
> at org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.AbstractUITestApplication.runTests(AbstractUITestApplication.java:44)
> at org.eclipse.e4.ui.internal.workbench.swt.E4Testable.lambda$0(E4Testable.java:76)
> at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)
> {code}
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4 years, 10 months