Snjezana Peco resolved JBIDE-9008.
Resolution: Done
I can't reproduce the issue.
When creating a portlet in some project, the Portlet Wizard checks the target runtime of
the project. If it is JBoss Portal or EPP 4.3, a wizard page is shown, allowing the user
to decide whether to create the portlet-instances.xml and default-object.xml file (see the
attached screenshot).
If the target runtime of the project is GateIn or EPP 5.x , this wizard page isn't
shown, and these files aren't created.
Check the target runtime of your project. If you can reproduce the issue with EPP 5.1,
please reopen this jira and provide the steps to reproduce the issue.
JBDs generates old Portel 3.x config files
Key: JBIDE-9008
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Portal/GateIn
Affects Versions: 3.2.0.Final
Environment: JBDS 4.0 GA, EPP 5.1
Reporter: Werner Brandt
Assignee: Snjezana Peco
Labels: jbds,, portal
Fix For: 3.2.1.CR2, 3.3.0.M2
Attachments: jbide-9008.png
Create a new Portlet in JBDS not following the wizard, just typ in the package and Class
name and press Enter.
JBDS generates two additional configfiles - portlet-instances.xml and default-object.xml
This are old configfiles from jboss portal.
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