Victor Rubezhny commented on JBIDE-5436:
org.jboss.tools.jsf.jsp.ca.test.JspElFunctionsTest JUnit Test Case covers this issue.
Due to verify it manually you should perform the following steps:
EXECUTE: Import testJSPProject into your workspace (it's located in
/trunk/jsf/tests/org.jboss.tools.jsf.ui.test/projects folder)
EXECUTE: Open /WebContent/templates/outputWeekDays.xhtml page in VPE Editor
EXECUTE: Point the text cursor into some existing EL (or create a new one) right after EL
opening chars ('#{') and press Ctrl-Space to invoke Content Assistant
ASSERT: there is the proposal labeled as "target : ELFunctions" among the other
EXECUTE: Apply "target : ELFunctions" proposals
ASSERT: the text "target" is inserted after '#{'-chars.
EXECUTE: Type ':' character after '#{target' text and pres Ctrl-Space to
invoke Content Assistant
ASSERT: there are two proposals representing the functions named as
'convertToInteger' and 'loopModel' with their parameters and return types
among the other proposals.
EXECUTE: Select and apply proposal labeled as loopModel(Integer size) : List -
ASSERT: the function name and the round brackets were inserted after '#{target:'
text, the text cursor is placed between the brackets
That's it. The functions are defined in class ELFunctions as public static methods.
Tag library target.taglib.xml links these methods with names which could be used in ELs
due to call these methods.
Code assist for JSF functions in EL.
Key: JBIDE-5436
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: JSF, jsp/jsf/xml source editing
Reporter: Alexey Kazakov
Assignee: Victor Rubezhny
Labels: new_and_noteworthy
Fix For: 3.3.0.M1
Attachments: el_functions_ca.png
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