Mohit Suman updated JBIDE-26160:
Story Points: 3 (was: 4)
Server Adapter: erroneously stays in [Debugging] when you kill the
Key: JBIDE-26160
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Bug
Components: openshift
Affects Versions: 4.6.0.AM3
Reporter: Andre Dietisheim
Assignee: Dmitrii Bocharov
Labels: server_adapter
Fix For: 4.9.x
# EXEC: create an application (via ex. nodejs-mongo-persistent template), import the
project and create a server adapter for it
# ASSERT: server adapter is created
# EXEC: start the server adapter in Debugging
# ASSERT: sever adapter is in *[Debugging, Synchronized]* state
# ASSERT: select pod and pick "Port Forwarding..." and it states that the
forwarding is started
# EXEC: in Explorer: select the pod for your service and pick "Delete"
# ASSERT: pod gets deleted and recreated
# ASSERT: select pod and pick "Port Forwarding..." and it states that the
forwarding is stopped
The server adapter still says that is is *[Debugging, Synchronized]*, but debugging is
not working any more. The new pod is not running in debug (dev-) mode any more. To have it
running again you need to restart the server adapter into debug, which will re-create a
new pod in debug-mode.
Expected result:
Server adapter should get out of debugging and back into normal run mode *[Started,