Andre Dietisheim updated JBIDE-26148:
Summary: CommandLocationBinary: only searches once (wont retry if it fails, forcing me
to restart Eclipse once I corrected $PATH) (was: CommandLocationBinary: only searches
CommandLocationBinary: only searches once (wont retry if it fails,
forcing me to restart Eclipse once I corrected $PATH)
Key: JBIDE-26148
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Bug
Components: openshift
Affects Versions: 4.6.0.AM3
Reporter: Andre Dietisheim
Assignee: Rob Stryker
allows to lookup a command (on the $PATH, etc.). But it'll only do so once:
public String findLocation(int timeout) {
if (foundLoc != null || searchFailed)
return foundLoc;
String searched = CommandLocationLookupStrategy.get().search(this, timeout);
if (searched == null) {
searchFailed = true;
foundLoc = searched;
return searched;
Once the lookup failed, it'll store this in the var *searchFailed* and wont do it a
2nd time.
What if I update my PATH while I keep Eclipse running?
I'd think that one should be able to repeat the lookup if it fails since the user
could modify it's system while he keeps Eclipse running. Afaics the current impl
forces me to restart Eclipse once I changed my $PATH.