http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBDS-199?page=comments#action_12392558 ]
Svetlana mukhina commented on JBDS-199:
Anatoly, create Quick Start chapter, where it will be shortly described how to start
working with manager.
the chapter will contain information on Jboss server view toolbar and how to
configure/start/stop/debug , deployment and archiving with manager.
Server manager guide data rearrangement
Key: JBDS-199
Project: Developer Studio
Issue Type: Task
Components: Doc - JBossAS
Affects Versions: 1.0.0.GA
Reporter: Svetlana mukhina
Assigned To: Svetlana mukhina
Fix For: 1.1
update the guide accordning to this remarks
"It seems to me like alot of this could be rearranged to be simpler and just get out
the message without so long explanations - will be done in future versions
I'll suggest that for each of the menus with multiple options like on fig 4.5 with
Build archive, Edit Archive, Delete Archive etc. you create a table with Name and
description of what it does instead of the long wordy text that then should be replaced
with examples of when and how you would use it. - will be done in future versions"
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