Friendly Jira Robot created ERT-747:
Summary: [GTK] Incorrect Table/Tree size [EBZ#546490]
Key: ERT-747
Project: Eclipse Release Train
Issue Type: Task
Components: Platform
Reporter: Friendly Jira Robot
Many errors related to Table and Tree size and packing of columns are demonstrated by the
included snippets and screenshots.
Table #1 with no items, 5 columns packed
expected: height = header height, width = sum of packed columns
actual 3.10: height = 1 pixel too much, fixed after resize
actual 3.22: headers not drawn
Table #2 with no items, 5 columns width=0
expected: height = header height, width = 0
actual 3.10: width = 64
actual 3.22: width = 64
Table #3 with no items, 5 columns width=100
expected: height = header height, width = 500
actual 3.10: all OK
actual 3.22: headers not drawn
Table #4 with 5 items, 5 columns width=100
expected: height = header height + 5 x item height, width = 500
actual 3.10: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize
actual 3.22: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize
Table #5 with 5 items, 5 columns packed
expected: height = header height + 5 x item height, width = 500
actual 3.10: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize
actual 3.22: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize
Shell with 5 tables, packed
expected: height = sum of children heights, width = max of children widths
actual 3.10: height is more than what is drawn
actual 3.22: height is more than what is drawn
Tree #1 with no items, 5 columns packed
expected: height = header height, width = sum of packed columns
actual 3.10: size = 64x64
actual 3.22: size = 64x64
Tree #2 with no items, 5 columns width=0
expected: height = header height, width = 0
actual 3.10: size = 64x64
actual 3.22: size = 64x64
Tree #3 with no items, 5 columns width=100
expected: height = header height, width = 500
actual 3.10: height = 64, fixed after resize
actual 3.22: height = 64, fixed after resize but headers no longer drawn
Tree #4 with 5 items, 5 columns width=100
expected: height = header height + 5 x item height, width = 500
actual 3.10: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize
actual 3.22: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize
Tree #5 with 5 items, 5 columns packed
expected: height = header height + 5 x item height, width = 500
actual 3.10: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize, pack ignores header
actual 3.22: height = 5 x item height, fixed after resize, pack ignores header
Shell with 5 trees, packed
expected: height = sum of children heights, width = max of children widths
actual 3.10: OK, height is equal to what is drawn
actual 3.22: OK, height is equal to what is drawn
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