[Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: Proposed JAX-WS Docs
by thomas.diesler@jboss.com
>From XFire
* Overview (READ FIRST!)
* Guides
o Quick Start - Your first service with XFire using services.xml
o Dependency Guide - This is so confusing... What jars do I need and why?!?!
o Client and Server Stub Generation from WSDL - How to make a web service client
o Embedded XFire HTTP Service - How to use the XFire API to create a Service, Client, and embedded HTTP server.
o JSR 181 Service - How to write a service using annotations
o JAXB 2.0 - Writing a schema and service with JAXB 2.0
o JMS Transport - Impress your friends by doing SOAP over JMS
o Service Router - How to route messages to various Services with one endpoint
o Maven Guide - How do I set up Maven to use XFire Jars?
o Parsing a SOAP Message without Web Services - How to leverage all the power of XFire without using traditional Web Services
o Eclipse Plugin - Using the eclipse plugin to generate services and clients from WSDL.
* XML Configuration
o services.xml Reference
* Using the XFire API
o The ServiceFactory
o Servlet Setup
o Embedding XFire
o Invokers
o The MessageContext and Messages
o Processing Pipeline
o Writing Handlers
o Fault and Exception Handling
o Logging
* Bindings
o Aegis Binding: XFire's default POJO binding
+ Inheritance
+ Aegis Java 5 Annotations
+ Interfaces
+ Collections
+ Custom Types
+ Aegis Internals
o Castor
o XMLBeans Binding
o JAXB 2.0
o JAXB 1.1
o JiBX
o Message Binding
* JSR 181 Annotations
* Client API
o Dynamic Client
* Client and Server Stub Generation from WSDL
* Authentication
* Container Support
o Spring
+ Spring QuickStart Guide
+ Spring, XBean, Servlets and more
+ Spring Remoting
+ Advanced Configuration
o Plexus
o Loom
o PicoContainer
o Yan
* MTOM Support
* JBI Integration
* WS-Addressing
* WS-Security
* GZip Support
* Transports
o Transport and Channel API
o HTTP Transport
o JMS Transport
o Local Transport
o XMPP Transport
* Application Server Support
* Best Practices
o Web Service Design
o Versioning
o Testing Your XFire Services
* Developers
o Architecture
o Source Repository
o Building from sources
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18 years, 1 month
[Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: Proposed JAX-WS Docs
by thomas.diesler@jboss.com
>From the SunRI
# JAX-WS 2.0 User's Guide
1. Contents
2. 1. Introduction
1. 1.1 What's new in JAX-WS 2.0 ea3
1. 1.1.1 new JAXWS 2.0 API
2. 1.1.2 Fully Dynamic Runtime
3. 1.1.3 MTOM & Swaref
4. 1.1.4 SOAP 1.2
2. 2.1 Features introduced in this release
1. 2.1.1 JAXB 2.0
2. 2.1.2 Annotations
3. 2.1.3 Customizations
4. 2.1.4 Improved Handler Framework
5. 2.1.5 Provider
6. 2.1.6 Dispatch
7. 2.1.7 Asynchronous Client Operations
3. 3. Programming Model
1. 3.1 Server
1. 3.1.1 Starting from Java
2. Generate Portable Artifacts
3. Create a WAR file to deploy
4. 3.1.2 Starting from a WSDL File
5. Generate a Service Endpoint Interface
6. Implement the Service Endpoint Interface
7. Create a WAR
8. J2SE Endpoints
2. 3.2 Client
1. 3.2.1 Dynamic Proxy
2. Generate Client Artifacts
3. 3.2.2 Dispatch
4. 4. Useful Information
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3993948#3993948
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18 years, 1 month
RE: WS tests in exclude list
by Jason T. Greene
Sorry, I left the JIRA numbers off. I think it's obvious that in order
to resolve a JIRA issue the problem has to be fixed.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas Diesler [mailto:thomas.diesler@redhat.com]
> Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:56 AM
> To: Jason T. Greene; JBossWS-DEV; JavaEE-TCK
> Subject: WS tests in exclude list
> Jason,
> there are a number of tests excluded in the exclude list.
> #
> # JWS Challenged tests
> #
> 6_from_wsappclient
> ...
> #
> # Temporarily disable servlet and ejb vehicles until deployers are
> #
> ponseJAXBTest_from_wsejb
> ...
> For every exclude we need a comment about the associated JIRA issue.
> criteria for an issue beeing resolved is that the tests pass and are
> removed from exclude list.
> cheers
> -thomas
> --
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Thomas Diesler
> Web Service Lead
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
18 years, 1 month
[Design of JBoss Web Services] - Error in mapping at run-time.
by orfordi
I'm working on a project that's using JBoss 4.0.3. This version does not come with "wstools". The documentation talks about using JWSDP's "wscompile", but that gave me some exceptions (no public constructors on some of the enum-type classes), so I'm using "wstools" from an installation of the latest JBoss and WS addon.
So, I've got my soap definition xml file and have used wstools to generate my wsdl and my mapping xml files.
I've added the dummy servlet definition to web.xml and have also created the webservices.xml file that refers to my mapping file.
The server now exposes the wsdl under ?wsdl which is good. I've imported this into VS.NET and am trying to call the method. I get a mapping exception. I had to use "document" style SOAP rather than "rpc" because VS2003 could not understand the WSDL when I tried "rpc".
So I'm trying to work out what's happening with my mapping. Note that the file is not called "jaxrpc-mapping.xml", I've prefixed it with something else, but I've checked that it's in WEB-INF and my WEB-INF\webservices.xml file refers to the correctly named mapping file.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3993875#3993875
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=3993875
18 years, 1 month
Re: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS-1415
by Thomas Diesler
Yes, of course. Everything that is not in progress can be taken.
On Thu, 2006-12-14 at 01:47 +0100, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
> Thomas,
> Can I take this task? It is covered by one of the scenarios I have
> fixed as part of JBWS-1260.
> http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBWS-1415
> Regards,
> Darran Lofthouse.
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years, 1 month
CTS section jaxr
by Thomas Diesler
Hi Anil,
are you taking the jaxr section?
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years, 1 month
I take the saaj tests
by Thomas Diesler
I start work on the saaj section.
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years, 1 month
Missing tsharness classes
by Thomas Diesler
Hi Lance,
when the webservice reverse tests are generated using the vendor tools
the app clients get deployed to glasfish for the forward scenario.
This fails with ClassNotFoundException:
which is not included in tsharness.jar
As a workaround I copy <TS_HOME>/classes/com/sun/ts/lib/harness/** to
IMHO, these classes should be in tsharness.jar
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years, 1 month
WS reverse tests
by Thomas Diesler
with the recent update to SAAJ-1.3 it was possible to generate the
reverse test clients
You need to run
<TS_HOME>/bin/tsant -Dbuild.vi=true clean build
in the jaxws and jws test src directories. On my box it took > 3h to
generate the tests.
Once the reverse tests are generated you MUST have glassfish running to
run any forward or reverse test.
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years, 1 month
WS tests in exclude list
by Thomas Diesler
there are a number of tests excluded in the exclude list.
# JWS Challenged tests
# Temporarily disable servlet and ejb vehicles until deployers are fixed
For every exclude we need a comment about the associated JIRA issue. The
criteria for an issue beeing resolved is that the tests pass and are
removed from exclude list.
Thomas Diesler
Web Service Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
18 years, 1 month