[Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: [Productivity] Level 4 - Production
by alessio.soldano@jboss.com
What are we going to do?
Once again, documentation will be the starting point. Users have to be aware of the issues they'll have to cope with before their system actually switch to the production environment.
Thinking about the SOA governance issues, I believe webservices should at least come with some basic tools for service customer discovery and performance/level of service checks.
My idea is to start from the jmx-console that actually show some metrics about the endpoints and enhance them, adding more info about load, response time, etc. as long as statistics/log about clients calling each endpoint. The administrator should be able of course to enable/disable metrics recording, etc; moreover we might provide info at different scopes (i.e. statistics for each endpoint as well as for each operation, etc.).
The idea is that the administrator of services deployed on a given host should be able to track who is actually using the service and how. Moreover, he should be allowed to check whether the system is overloaded or not (that is: he meet the SLA requirements) and I think it's fine to check this at the WS level since services are the entry point for customers.
Also showing the policy deployed on each policy subject might be useful.
Finally, some efforts should be put on registry/UDDI. In my previous experiences registry usefulness was often underestimated; however registries may really help with painful issues, like wsdl versioning. I'm going to further elaborate my thoughts about this in the next future; for sure registries are going to be involved at least in one of the advanced samples backed by scenarios I previously talked about.
Many other issues might be interesting at this level; if you think something else is more important or urgent, feel free to comment.
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