According to the SOAP 1.2 section you quoted, text nodes are accepted in Body, but only if
they are whitespace. The CTS actually adds non-whitespace text to a Body in the 1.2
SOAP 1.1 does not mention CIIs in Body, but that does not necessarily mean they are
disallowed. Comparing the two schemas, neither seems to allow text context, unless it is
white space for pretty-printing purposes. The CTS adds non-whitespace text to a Body in
the 1.1 namespace as well.
SOAP 1.1 Schema
<xs:element name="Body" type="tns:Body"/>
| <xs:complexType name="Body">
| <xs:sequence>
| <xs:any namespace="##any" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
| </xs:sequence>
| <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>
| </xs:complexType>
SOAP 1.2 Schema
<xs:element name="Body" type="tns:Body"/>
| <xs:complexType name="Body">
| <xs:sequence>
| <xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
| </xs:sequence>
| <xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other"
| </xs:complexType>
Do we want to validate that only whitespace text is added?
Furthermore, that SOAP 1.2 section specifies that unqualified elements and attributes are
invalid. We do not currently check for that. How far do we want to go with validation?
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