The MC doesn't specify any library dependency. So, I am taking the XB
branch that is used for the Branch_4_0 and Branch_4_2.
Thomas Diesler wrote:
currently we target jboss/microcontainer 1.0.2
[tdiesler@tddell ~]$ cd svn/jbossas/branches/Branch_4_2/
[tdiesler@tddell Branch_4_2]$ cat build/build-thirdparty.xml | grep micro
<componentref name="jboss/microcontainer" version="1.0.2"/>
[tdiesler@tddell Branch_4_2]$ cat
../Branch_4_0/build/build-thirdparty.xml | grep micro
<componentref name="jboss/microcontainer"
[tdiesler@tddell Branch_4_2]$
Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
> As I told you before:
> AFAIU, whether it's going to be a single release that works on the
> requested versions depends on whether there going to be a single
> JBossMC release that works in all the requested branches.
> So, what are your dependencies on the MC?
> Alexey
> Thomas Diesler wrote:
>> Hi Alex,
>> could you please have a look at
>> cheers
>> -thomas