In the TCK, the test case saaj/api/javax_xml_soap/SOAPElement contains two tests about
adding text nodes to different SOAPElement subtypes, namely SOAPBody and SOAPHeader.
Neither the specification nor the API documents are clear on which SOAPElement subtypes
accept Text nodes. The TCK requires that SOAPBodies always accept Text nodes, whereas
SOAPHeaders must accept them only if the protocol is SOAP 1.1.
Apart from that, I saw our SOAPEnvelopeImpl class overrides addTextNode() to signal it is
not legal to attach Text nodes to it. However, one can still add a Text node by invoking
the DOM method appendChild().
How should we treat Text nodes? AFAICS there are three approaches in increasing order of
1) Accept them in general, unless the TCK requires otherwise
2) Behave as the RI does
3) Scan the SOAP specifications and XML Schemas, as well as the Basic Profiles for
explicit requirements or implicit clues
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