[Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: JBossWS Deployers Integration
by richard.opalka@jboss.com
This is the brain dump of current JBossWS AS integration architecture.
We completely rewrote/reviewed our JBossWS AS integration layer.
However there are still some TODOs. We need to review our SPI and our EJB integration in the future. Also our current injection impl isn't ideal. We'll deal with these issues in near future.
Regarding the current state of AS IL (JBossWS AS integration layer) here are some notes:
We removed the notion of WS EJB deployer, WS PRE JSE deployer and WS POST JSE Deployer. All three deployer were alligned to one processing pipeline.
We also removed the notion of WS deployer hooks.
There are 5 deployers now in AS IL:
* WSDescriptorDeployer - Object model based webservice.xml files parsing deployer (PARSE stage deployer)
* WSEJBAdapterDeployer - WS deployer adapting EJB classes to provide EJB agnostic meta/data fasade for the rest of JBossWS code base (REAL stage deployer)
* WSTypeDeployer - detects webservice deployment type (can be JAXWS JSE, JAXRPC JSE, JAXWS EJB3 and JAXRPC EJB21) (REAL stage deployer)
* WSDeploymentDeployer - builds AS agnostic WS metadata (creates API abstraction over AS IL) (REAL stage deployer)
* WSDeploymentAspectDeployer - wrapper for all JBossWS deployment aspects (replacement for old JBossWS DeploymentAspectManager) (REAL stage deployer)
WSAspectizedDeployersFactory provides mechanism for un/registering JBossWS aspectized deployers
We also completely removed support for AS 4.x series from our AS IL
and updated the codebase to leverage AS 5.x architecture.
The previous suggestion to move some DAs to servlet lifecycle methods showed to wrong (i.e. all JBossWS deployment aspects reside in deployers processing pipeline).
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4250826#4250826
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