JBossWS 3.3.0.CR2 on the new repository
by Alessio Soldano
I've finally released 3.3.0.CR2 to the new Nexus based repository. On
this topic, the release comes with a readme file pointing to the
documentation regarding how to configure the local maven settings.xml
for using the new maven repository. Without that, it's going to be quite
hard for those not really involved in development to figure out how to
build 3.3.0.CR2 with Maven.
This is most probably a temporary solution, caused by the current
restrictions preventing the project's pom.xml from containing references
to repositories. I know Paul Gier is going to either remove that
restriction (which would allow us to restore the repositories setting in
the our artifacts) or come up with another (probably better) solution.
The discussion is likely to happen on the jboss-dev mailing list soon.
Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss
14 years, 8 months
Ensure meaningful excludes for all stacks
by Alessio Soldano
Hi folks,
looking at the test exclude files for CXF and Metro stack, I see:
# TODO investigate failures
# [JBWS-2960] TODO
(where JBWS-2960 is a Native stack issue according to Jira)
Please make sure the excludes are always valid and referring to a proper
jira whose component is the same as the stack the exclude belongs to.
It's fine excluding tests because changes on a stack revealed problems
on another (due to a common testcase enhancement), but we should always
have jiras for the corresponding prolem (either for fixing the test or
the implementation, depending on what's wrong).
Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss
14 years, 9 months