Comments inlined,
On 11/25/2010 08:37 AM, Jim Ma wrote:
>>> I'm just saying that we can see this similarly, we
need to think
>>> about the deployment process in terms of a) something strictly
>>> related to setting up the container for the ws deployment, b)
>>> actually creating the endpoint and connecting it to the container.
>>> Theoretically speaking (b) is pretty much what is going to the
>>> service. This said, for sure we need to deal with the details, but
>>> that comes after agreeing on a vision.
>> My vision is to support both AS 6 (CR1 or GA)& AS 7 in JBossWS 4.0.x
>> series.
>> This is very important to track integration regressions we might
>> introduce during the AS 7 integration process.
>> And we need to come to an agreement what we'll target with JBossWS 4
>> series ASAP ;)
> This is one of the key points to discuss. To be honest, I'm wondering
> if the pain of supporting both AS 6 and 7 is balanced by any real
> benefit here.
> Do you think we can really proceed in steps such that each of them
> allows to still pass the testsuites (considering the major changes to
> spi, the completely different AS structures, classloading, ...)? I can
> see major efforts being required for retro-fitting things to AS 6, for
> supporting completely different installation steps, etc.
> This might even be possible, we need to evaluate pros and cons.
IMO, I'd say we should just focus on AS 7 support in JBossWS 4.x .
Given AS7 changed a lot : binary directory structure, MSC , domain
model, subsystem and new DeploymentUnitProcessor, we may need
change/refactor a lot of things in SPI , framework and container,
deployment script to integrate with AS7.
I was thinking about it last night and
here're pros/cons for both
ad1) Supporting both AS6 & AS7 in JBossWS 4.x series option:
* advantages
- possibility of SPI & ASIL cleanup against AS6 while blocked with
EJB & WEB issues in AS7
- more reliable predictability of our releases
- possibility of
: core tests & TCK6 regressions tracking against AS6 during the
: CXF (apache) regressions tracking against AS6
- back door - if AS 7 will be dropped (IMO this is still possible
next year - but I don't wish it of course)
: we could get benefit of it in the way of cleaned SPI & AS IL
integration for AS 6
: we won't lost all the development time in this disaster scenario
* disadvantages
- really slow refactoring
- big overhead with supporting both AS versions
- ugly initial AS 7 integration that will require not trivial effort
to fix it in the future (like we did AS 5x ASIL cleanup)
ad2) Supporting just AS7 in JBossWS 4.x series option:
* advantages
- really fast refactoring
- better (if not perfect) initial & later AS 7 integration
- no overhead with supporting both AS versions
* disadvantages
- possibility of big blocking issues (we're hardly depending on EJB
and WEB - these need to be integrated to AS7 first)
- no possibility to track regressions that we can introduce on our own
- no possibility to track CXF regressions
- no back door (but it wouldn't be our mistake - it was PM decision
for AS6 -> AS7 switch)
ad3) Supporting just AS7 in JBossWS 4.x series & tracking CXF
regressions in JBossWS 3.4.x series
* advantages
- really fast refactoring
- better (if not perfect) initial & later AS 7 integration
- less overhead with supporting both AS versions (we would have two
separate branches - one just maintained and one hardly changing)
- possibility of CXF (apache) regressions tracking against AS6
* disadvantages
- possibility of big blocking issues (we're hardly depending on EJB
and WEB - these need to be integrated to AS7 first)
- some time (not significant I think) spent on CXF regressions
tracking/fixing in JBossWS 3.4.x series
- no possibility to track regressions that we can introduce on our
own in JBossWS 4.x series
- no back door (but it wouldn't be our mistake - it was PM decision
for AS6 -> AS7 switch)
These are mine ad1) ad2) & ad3) I came with ;)
Maybe U can think out other options
(please write it down if U have some)?
Maybe U can see other pros/cons for provided options ad1), ad2) & ad3).
(please write it down if U have some)?
I think it would be nice to have all the options we'll come with written
with their pros/cons so we can do final decision.
Let's discuss these & other alternatives friends.
We need to decide about supported AS versions and way to proceed ASAP.
I also agree with you guys all, this is a good opportunity to
review/change/refactor in our side(JBWS4.x) to simplify something and
make it faster
* deploy endpoints faster - review and simplify the old deployers or DAs
with new AS7 Deployment api
* more manageable - provide interface/api to start/stop endpoints, or
transport and monitor incoming message count etc..
* rich APIs - as Alessio talked in the previous email to provide more
SPI apis meant for actual user consumption
* enhance test suite running - there is embeded as7 for test use ? and
if run one test case we just build one war file not the whole test
deployments ...
Thanks Jim ;)
My 2 cents.
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Richard Opalka
JBoss, by Red Hat
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