Comments inlined,
On 04/28/2011 04:28 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
jbossws-native comes with the
annotation for referencing a given endpoint configuration file. The
schema for that configuration file (well, it's actually for both clients
and endpoints, but let's stick to the endpoint case for now) is at [1] .
Basically, the configuration covers handlers, features and properties
(plus some native specific ws-rm stuff) and is used both for the
"default" configurations [2] and for custom user provided
configurations, perhaps even coming within a deployment. The same
configurations files can also be referenced on client side through
jbossws-native specific api. As of today, the most common usage is
probably for enabling WS-Security on native stack.
Now, as part of [3] and considering the AS7 efforts around isolating
APIs from implementation stuff at runtime, I'm thinking about what to do
with @EndpointConfig.
The same question I asked U few days back ;)
Moreover, we currently have a feature request regarding the need for
defining global endpoint handlers [4] as well as the will for allowing
WS-Security endpoint configuration with JBossWS-CXF stack without the
need of spring bean descriptors. Especially after my changes for using
Apache CXF 2.4 [5], the latter basically means being able to simply set
string properties into the endpoint, as CXF / its policy engine / WSS4J
are then able to deal with everything else.
So, considering this all, with the aim of further unifying the jbossws
configuration, I'm proposing to:
- add @EndpointConfig annotation to the public api in jbossws-api;
extend the jaxws endpoint "configuration" that was a native aspect only
to be a stack agnostic jbossws one instead
- refactor the client/endpoint configuration schemas, pruning the
specific stuff (basically ws-rm) and perhaps moving that to a native
stack specific extension of the schema;
I'm saying it always & I'll
repeat it once again.
I'd remove our Native WS-RM & WS-Eventing staff, COMPLETELY.
Both specs. don't fit JAX-WS spec.
Even more both are not supported in EAP.
JBossWS Native is also considered dead project.
The AS7 is targeted with CXF.
Native will be there (hidden) only for JAX-RPC functionalities.
we might even have a cxf stack
specific extension for cxf interceptors, but that's not strictly
required now (jaxws handlers should be enough for now)
I'd say no schema
extensions, just handlers hooks should be supported.
- add the default endpoint configuration to the AS7 domain model:
all, this is a global configuration aspect of the application server and
hence should be manageable
- modify our jbossws-cxf stack deployment aspects: when building the
endpoint model, they will consider the endpoint configuration either
from the default conf in the domain model or from a user provided
descriptor in the deployment and referenced through @EndpointConfig
With this solution we'd clean a inconsistency in the api
(@EndpointConfig for native only till now), add a mean for having global
handlers configured by administrators [4] and allow providing security
keystore/trustore/etc. info and use WS-Security(policy) with jbossws-cxf
without any need for Spring.
Go ahead ;)
Richard Opalka
JBoss, by Red Hat
Office: +420 222 365 200
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