Hi Richard,
while working with the RM implementation I was wondering about the Quality of Service
(QoS) aspect of WS-RM. In my understanding the RM Sender/Receiver must be high available
(HA) components such that the Client can (always) communicate with the RM Sender and
likewise the RM Sender can always communicate with the RM Receiver.
| Client <--> RM Sender <-------> RM Receiver <--> Endpoint
| QoS QoS
On the contrary, if the RM Sender is coupled with the client proxy or the RM Receiver is
coupled with the Endpoint, it would in my opinion defeat the purpose of RM. In other
words, if the RM Receiver is only available if the Endpoint is available, the client might
as well talk to the Endpoint directly.
Using your implementation, would it (eventually) be possible to deploy the RM
Sender/Receiver as separate HA components (i.e. on dedicated boxes)?
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