I'm posting here to keep track of what happened.
I tried moving the WSEndpointRegistry to the container configuration (at first duplicating
the container config in the stacks, then manually creating a new jbossws-jboss42=4.2.3.CR1
dependency). This however proved not to be a valid solution for some reasons, the most
important being that even if I can manage to fix the 4.2 integration, JBoss 5.0.0 Beta4 is
already out and its jbossws-deployer-beans.xml config cannot be easily modified. Therefore
I would say that we can't easily have the correct dependency of
WSEndpointRegistryDeploymentAspect on the WSEndpointRegistry bean, since we can't
change the configuration that declares it.
On chat Thomas suggested checking for the existence of the mbeanServer before the
unregister process. This would have been an idea for the first exception (ie. the one
thrown by the EndpointRecordProcessorDeploymentAspect.). Speaking of the
WSEndpointRegistry issue, instead, my thought is that if we can't assure the registry
bean is available, then we could only handle the exception, supposing the server is
shutting down, but of course this doesn't mean really solving the issue. Otherwise we
can only put up with the shutdown KernelRegistryEntryNotFoundException.
Do anybody have better idea than me?
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