Can anybody tell me what are the required steps to run the JBoss AS
4.0.5_GA internal test suite with JBossWS 1.2.0_SP1
I can find only a wiki about 1.0 series
http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=WebservicesReleaseGuide). And
I'm unable to find out how to make them passing.
I need to know how to do it with jdk14 as well jdk15!
Here is what I tried last (jdk14):
1. build jboss
2. replace all occurrences of jbossws14-client.jar with the one from jbossws
3. do the same with jboss-xml-binding.jar RC9
4. replace jbossws14.sar with jbossws40-jdk14.sar
And most tests fail. First ones with an error message like:
expected:<...s://qa02.qa.atl.jboss.com:8443...> but
So it looks like a configuration issue rather than jbossws bugs...
Also tried to deploy-jboss40-jdk14 jbossws and run the testsuite again
but had most tests fail too.
I've run out of time so any help will be appreciated,