The source metadata should be reflective of the source, not Teiid as
that can be added in a view layer. Pushing this handling into the translator layer is not
required and can introduce errors in predicates and other situations where the conversion
may need to be explicit.
I agree, what I proposed would twist the source metadata meaning. This well justifies the
date/datetime/time case. What about float? Float is not supported (in fact left out of the
insert even though explicitly being inserted into), but double is. In [Couchbase
there is only type NUMBERS. Why does double fit that description and float doesn't?
Due to legacy design issues, the translators do not advertise their
supported types for validation. The first step to address this is throw an exception and
to document the supported types.
Throwing an exception, either for the query or (ideally) when deploying the vdb, seems
like sufficient measure. We need to make sure, that the column is not silently left out
when inserting.
Couchbase supported data types restriction issues
Key: TEIID-5042
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Misc. Connectors
Affects Versions: 8.12.x-6.4
Reporter: Jan Stastny
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
# Couchbase translator supports only subset of supported datatypes in Teiid:
??All supported type in a Couchbase JSON item: null, String, Integer, Long, Double,
BigInteger, BigDecimal, JsonObject, JsonArray??
#* this is too restrictive, why not float? time/date/timestamp? And let the translator to
handle conversion in both directions.
# Couchbase leaves out silently the columns with unsupported data types in INSERTs.
#* See the example in bottom of description.
# documentID is (in code) considered String. This is too restrictive. In the code there
might be String.valueOf() instead of (String) cast ( It would
help users to use their primary keys (from existing datasets) as document ids in
For a source model DDL:
documentID string PRIMARY KEY,
type string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`type`'),
FloatNum float OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`FloatNum`'),
BigIntegerValue biginteger OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`BigIntegerValue`'),
StringKey string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`StringKey`'),
CharValue string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`CharValue`'),
LongNum long OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`LongNum`'),
DoubleNum double OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`DoubleNum`'),
ObjectValue string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`ObjectValue`'),
ShortValue integer OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`ShortValue`'),
BigDecimalValue bigdecimal OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`BigDecimalValue`'),
DateValue string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`DateValue`'),
BooleanValue boolean OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`BooleanValue`'),
TimestampValue string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`TimestampValue`'),
ByteNum integer OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`ByteNum`'),
StringNum string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`StringNum`'),
TimeValue string OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`TimeValue`'),
IntNum integer OPTIONS (NAMEINSOURCE '`IntNum`')
"teiid_couchbase:ISARRAYTABLE" 'false',
and query
{code:sql|title=INSERT query}
INSERT INTO Source.SmallA (documentID, StringKey, IntNum, StringNum,DoubleNum,
FloatNum,LongNum) VALUES (4, '1', 1, '1',CAST(5.00 AS double),CAST(5.00
AS float), 5);
there is incorrect source command being pushed to couchbase. The float column is not
being pushed at all, no warning appears.
14:49:37,061 INFO [org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG] (New I/O worker #2) ReyS5USI/FcT START
USER COMMAND: startTime=2017-08-29 14:49:37.061 requestID=ReyS5USI/FcT.9
txID=null sessionID=ReyS5USI/FcT applicationName=JDBC
principal=user@teiid-security vdbName=couchbase_crud vdbVersion=1 sql=INSERT
INTO Source.SmallA (documentID, StringKey, IntNum, StringNum,DoubleNum, FloatNum,LongNum)
VALUES (4, '1', 1, '1',CAST(5.00 AS double),CAST(5.00 AS float), 5)
14:49:38,375 DEBUG [org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG] (Worker32_QueryProcessorQueue150) ReyS5USI/FcT
START DATA SRC COMMAND: startTime=2017-08-29 14:49:38.375
requestID=ReyS5USI/FcT.9 sourceCommandID=0 executionID=27 txID=null
modelName=Source translatorName=couchbase sessionID=ReyS5USI/FcT
principal=user@teiid-security sql=INSERT INTO Source.SmallA (documentID, StringKey,
IntNum, StringNum, DoubleNum, FloatNum, LongNum) VALUES ('4', '1', 1,
'1', 5.0, 5.0, 5)
14:49:38,380 DEBUG [org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG] (Worker32_QueryProcessorQueue150) ReyS5USI/FcT
SOURCE SRC COMMAND: endTime=2017-08-29 14:49:38.38
requestID=ReyS5USI/FcT.9 sourceCommandID=0 executionID=27 txID=null
modelName=Source translatorName=couchbase sessionID=ReyS5USI/FcT
principal=user@teiid-security sourceCommand=[INSERT INTO `dvqe_crud` (KEY, VALUE) VALUES
RETURNING META(`dvqe_crud`).id AS PK]
14:49:38,962 DEBUG [org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG] (Worker31_QueryProcessorQueue151) ReyS5USI/FcT
END SRC COMMAND: endTime=2017-08-29 14:49:38.962
requestID=ReyS5USI/FcT.9 sourceCommandID=0 executionID=27 txID=null
modelName=Source translatorName=couchbase sessionID=ReyS5USI/FcT
principal=user@teiid-security finalRowCount=1 cpuTime(ns)=12306369
14:49:38,966 INFO [org.teiid.COMMAND_LOG] (Worker31_QueryProcessorQueue152) ReyS5USI/FcT
END USER COMMAND: endTime=2017-08-29 14:49:38.966
requestID=ReyS5USI/FcT.9 txID=null sessionID=ReyS5USI/FcT
principal=user@teiid-security vdbName=couchbase_crud vdbVersion=1