Graeme Gillies commented on TEIID-2636:
server.log is now attached to this issue. Error should be towards the bottom. Contact me
via email if you would like access into the environment and the vdb to help diagnose.
Thanks again,
Stream corruption errors when doing big query
Key: TEIID-2636
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 8.5
Environment: Teiid 8.5 Beta2 Running in JBoss EAP 6.1 on RHEL6
Java 7 openjdk
Reporter: Graeme Gillies
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Attachments: server.log
When performing the following big query against a virtual db we have setup in this
environment, we get an error
The query is
bugs.bug_id, classification.name, bugs.cf_internal_whiteboard,
dev_cond_nak_grouped."value", partner_grouped."value",
bugs.cf_last_closed, bugs.bug_severity, bugs.cf_qa_whiteboard,
bugs.short_desc, qe_cond_nak_grouped."value", bugs.priority,
bugs.version, bugs.cf_pm_score, bugs.bug_status, product.name,
blocks_grouped.blocked, qa_contact.login_name, reporter.login_name,
component.name, flag_grouped.flag_full, bugs.delta_ts,
dependson_grouped.dependson, verified_grouped."value",
bugs.creation_ts, bugs.cf_devel_whiteboard, keyword_grouped.name,
target_release_grouped."value", bugs.target_milestone,
FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs
LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.products ON products.id = bugs.product_id
LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.classifications classification ON classification.id =
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(dev_cond_nak."value")) AS
"value" FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN Bugzilla_raw.bug_cf_conditional_nak
dev_cond_nak ON dev_cond_nak.bug_id = bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id)
dev_cond_nak_grouped ON bugs.bug_id = dev_cond_nak_grouped.bug_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(partner."value")) AS
"value" FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN Bugzilla_raw.bug_cf_partner partner ON
partner.bug_id = bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id) partner_grouped ON bugs.bug_id =
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(qe_cond_nak."value")) AS
"value" FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN Bugzilla_raw.bug_cf_qe_conditional_nak
qe_cond_nak ON qe_cond_nak.bug_id = bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id) qe_cond_nak_grouped
ON bugs.bug_id = qe_cond_nak_grouped.bug_id
LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.products product ON product.id = bugs.product_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT
bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(blocks.blocked)) AS blocked FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN
Bugzilla_raw.dependencies blocks ON blocks.dependson = bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id)
blocks_grouped ON bugs.bug_id = blocks_grouped.bug_id
LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.profiles qa_contact ON qa_contact.userid = bugs.qa_contact LEFT
JOIN Bugzilla_raw.profiles reporter ON reporter.userid = bugs.reporter LEFT JOIN
Bugzilla_raw.components component ON component.id = bugs.component_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT
flags.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(concat(ft.name, flags.status))) AS flag_full FROM
LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.flagtypes ft ON ft.id = flags.type_id GROUP BY flags.bug_id)
flag_grouped ON bugs.bug_id = flag_grouped.bug_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(dependson.dependson)) AS dependson FROM
Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN Bugzilla_raw.dependencies dependson ON dependson.blocked =
bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id) dependson_grouped ON bugs.bug_id =
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(verified."value")) AS
"value" FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN Bugzilla_raw.bug_cf_verified verified ON
verified.bug_id = bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id) verified_grouped ON bugs.bug_id =
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT keywords.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(kw.name)) AS name FROM
Bugzilla_raw.keywords LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.keyworddefs kw ON kw.id = keywords.keywordid
GROUP BY keywords.bug_id) keyword_grouped ON bugs.bug_id = keyword_grouped.bug_id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT bugs.bug_id, TEXTAGG(FOR(target_release."value")) AS
"value" FROM Bugzilla_raw.bugs JOIN Bugzilla_raw.bugs_release target_release ON
target_release.bug_id = bugs.bug_id GROUP BY bugs.bug_id) target_release_grouped ON
bugs.bug_id = target_release_grouped.bug_id
LEFT JOIN Bugzilla_raw.profiles assigned_to ON assigned_to.userid = bugs.assigned_to
WHERE bugs.bug_id > 990410 OR bugs.delta_ts > parseTimestamp('2013-07-31
06:57:31 +0000', 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z')
LIMIT 0,1000000
The error the client sees is
ERROR: TEIID30048 Error reading 24,668
DETAIL: org.teiid.jdbc.TeiidSQLException: TEIID30048 Error reading 24,668
This is using the Postgresql ODBC interface or the JDBC interface
The errors in the log file are quite long so I will attach the whole log file.
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