Christoph John commented on TEIID-5782:
Hello Steven,
I can now provide further insides. I have now used the most recent teiid sources (From
yesterday). The good news is, that the simple example which we discussed previously is now
working for me as well. Unfortunately, in a more complex situation, which is my real use
case things seem not to work. I provided a docker compose file here
which shows the situation. I also provided 3 curl scripts
- "curlCmdSimple.sh" showing that the just mentioned simple situation is working
- "curlCmdDummy.sh"showing that the wrong primary key is returned when the
create command provides a dummy value for the primary key, i.e. according to your
- "curlCmd.sh" being the to-be solution, which is not working yet and gives
{"error":{"code":null,"message":"TEIID16016 Insert into
Diary success, but failed to retrieve auto generated keys from source, thus failed to show
result entity; Supply the key values."}}
The relevant insert trigger is given with
Please let me know if I can be of further help for the issue.
Best regards and thanks for your help
When overwriting an Insert trigger with custom logic in a ddl file,
the primary key is not correctly transferred back in the response of the odata layer with
a dummy insert value
Key: TEIID-5782
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Quality Risk
Components: OData
Affects Versions: 12.3
Reporter: Christoph John
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Priority: Major
in the past we had an issue in the odata layer, that the generated primary key of an
autoincrement key was not corretly transfered back in the odata response. This issue was
However, the current issues derives from the discussion in
where we havewritten an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger. According to my last comment to
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-5763, there are two situations which can arrise. I
have to set the 1. key group explicitely or 2. it is set implicitely.
Now in both situations I observe the same result. When I POST an INSERT with a dummy
primary key, say key=0 (as it was NOT NULL in the past, and I am still using the old
sources) I retrieve key=0 in the odata response. Correct would be to get a response with
the generated key instead.
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