Steven Hawkins commented on TEIID-5856:
But it has no effect, may be i used wrong params?
That is an odd mixture of a ddl and xml vdb. It should instead be:
<vdb name="db" version="1">
<model name="sf" type="PHYSICAL" visible="true">
<property name="importer.useFullSchemaName" value="false"/>
<property name="importer.NormalizeNames" value="false"/>
<property name="importer.modelAuditFields" value="true"/>
<property name="importer.importStatstics" value="true"/>
<source connection-jndi-name="salesforce" name="salesforce"
<translator name="mysalesforce" type="salesforce">
<property name="supportsOrderBy" value="true"/>
You can double check the if the stats are set by looking at the cardinality column on
And for another solution please give me example of using OPTIONS for
this request.
There's also using hints inline
as replacementLicenseId ,replacementLicense.Id as replacementLicenseObjectId FROM
Product_License__c originalLicense LEFT OUTER JOIN /*+ MAKEDEP */ Product_License__c
replacementLicense ON originalLicense.ReplacementLicenseID__c = replacementLicense.Id
where originalLicense.vlic_Contract_Number__c = :contractNumber
Teiid generate wrong request to salesforce
Key: TEIID-5856
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Salesforce Connector
Environment: spring-boot teiid salesforce-connector
Reporter: Renat Eskenin
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Priority: Major
When i call request to salesforce teiid get very long wrong request and then OOM, because
teiid request all data in salesforce object.
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