Kylin Soong commented on TEIID-4297:
library(http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Carrahtec) seems really on startup
stages, we can't pull it via maven as below
cause we can't pull it's dependencies. Due to profiler-core is on apache licence,
can we just copy it's code to our code base and implement the system functions?
Add UDF functions based on OSDQ for POC
Key: TEIID-4297
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Query Engine
Reporter: Ramesh Reddy
Assignee: JieRen JieRen
Fix For: 9.1
Please add following UDF functions to Teiid library based on maven module
The UDF functions needs to from this class below
public class Maskutil {
* @param a
* The string that need to randomize
* vivek singh' will become 'ihg vkeivh'
public static String toRandomValue(String a) {
return ShuffleRTM.shuffleString(a);
* @param a
* This function will retrun MD5 hashcode of the string
* @return String
public static String toHashValue(String a) {
if (a == null)
return "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"; // null MD5 value
return ResultsetToRTM.getMD5(a).toString();
* @param a
* This function will return digit characters of the string
* @return
public static String toDigitValue(String a) {
return StringCaseFormatUtil.digitString(a);
for example Teiid should have UDF functions like
string random(string)
string hash(string)
string digit(string)
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