Steven Hawkins commented on TEIIDSB-23:
Linking to the metrics task - there we configure the s2i java image jolokia support to be
a wide open http service and have implemented basic scraping in teiid-syndesis. There are
of course a lot of of other options for jolokia - including exposing via actuator which is
likely what anyone using spring boot directly would do.
Document image generation options
Project: Teiid Spring Boot
Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Steven Hawkins
Priority: Major
We need to document / validate all relevant image options:
- inclusion of agent bond or other mechanism for jmx exposure to prometheus. There may
also be related service annotations
- annotations for 3scale for rest and openapi exposure of odata
- any common config options - disk buffer memory, max active plans / engine threads /
connection pool sizes. Ideally the buffer manager heap should auto-configure and we
should probably always use off-heap for the fixed memory buffer.
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