Community Updates for March 14 - March 21
Your Content
* Test post [
was viewed 6,587 times and replied to by 0 people
Your Connections - Activity by people you are following
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Popular Content - The content that is most viewed and participated in
* Open Session in View [
* Data Source Configuration in AS 7
* Sessions and transactions [
* how I set up a PostgreSQL JDBC Driver on JBoss 7
* EAP binaries available for all developers
* JBoss Tools 4 and Developer Studio 6 is ready!
* Re: Jboss 7.1.2.Final is only for EAP?
* Re: HTTPS on JBoss AS 7 - truststore configuration
* Re: java.net.BindException: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Tips and tricks - Invite People to Join
One of the big benefits of social business software is something called "Network
Effects". In a nutshell, collaboration becomes most effective when there are a large
number of people participating. Inviting people to join your community is one of the
easiest ways to start. In Community, there are a number of ways to do this:
Share something in Community by clicking "Send as Email" in the
"Actions" menu. If your colleague isn't already a member then they'll
have the opportunity to sign up.
Invite people you work with from the "New" > "Invitation" menu in
the user bar.
Use Community to connect to your email and automatically discover and invite the
colleagues you interact with the most. Don't worry, you'll be able to approve the
list before any invitations are sent.
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