[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-285) Typo in section 3.1 - @Interceptor is not defined as a stereotype
by Martin Kouba (JIRA)
Martin Kouba created CDI-285:
Summary: Typo in section 3.1 - @Interceptor is not defined as a stereotype
Key: CDI-285
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-285
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 1.1.PRD
Reporter: Martin Kouba
Priority: Minor
There is a small typo in section 3.1 "Managed beans":
"If the bean class of a managed bean is annotated with both the {{@Interceptor}} and {{@Decorator}} stereotypes, the container automatically detects the problem and treats it as a definition error."
{{@Interceptor}} is not defined as a stereotype.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-280) clarify usage of 'bean' term usage in the spec
by Mark Struberg (JIRA)
Mark Struberg created CDI-280:
Summary: clarify usage of 'bean' term usage in the spec
Key: CDI-280
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-280
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Clarification
Reporter: Mark Struberg
We should go to the spec and look up all 'bean' words as they are 5 different meaning the word 'bean' is used for
* The Bean<T> extends Contextual<T>. Should be referred as 'Bean' or 'CDI Bean'
* The class which gets scanned. Should be referred as 'Bean Class' to
* The instance stored in the context. Should be referred to as 'Contextual Instance'
* The proxy for a Contextual Instance should be referred to as 'Contextual Reference'
* The type of an injection point should be referred to as 'InjectionPoint Type'
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-18) Global enablement of interceptors, decorators and alternatives
by Pete Muir (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-18?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.sys... ]
Pete Muir resolved CDI-18.
Assignee: Pete Muir
Fix Version/s: 1.1.PRD
(was: 1.1.PFD)
Resolution: Done
> Global enablement of interceptors, decorators and alternatives
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: CDI-18
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-18
> Project: CDI Specification Issues
> Issue Type: Feature Request
> Components: Beans, Decorators, Interceptors, Packaging and Deployment
> Affects Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Mark Struberg
> Assignee: Pete Muir
> Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 1.1.PRD
> Currently the spec defines that <interceptors>, <decorators> and <alternatives> affect only the Bean Archives where they are configured in (via beans.xml).
> Thus if you e.g. enable an Alternative in a WEB-INF/beans.xml, it does NOT count for the jars in it's WEB-INF/lib folder!
> This is pretty unhandy because you would need to repackage all your jars in your WEB-INF/lib folder and add/expand the <alternatives> sections in their beans.xml.
> Needless to say that this is not only hard to do in a company build but is also impossibly to handle at deploy time in an OSGi environment!
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] (CDI-18) Global enablement of interceptors, decorators and alternatives
by Pete Muir (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-18?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.sys... ]
Pete Muir updated CDI-18:
Fix Version/s: 1.1.PFD
(was: 1.1.PRD)
> Global enablement of interceptors, decorators and alternatives
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: CDI-18
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/CDI-18
> Project: CDI Specification Issues
> Issue Type: Feature Request
> Components: Beans, Decorators, Interceptors, Packaging and Deployment
> Affects Versions: 1.0
> Reporter: Mark Struberg
> Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 1.1.PFD
> Currently the spec defines that <interceptors>, <decorators> and <alternatives> affect only the Bean Archives where they are configured in (via beans.xml).
> Thus if you e.g. enable an Alternative in a WEB-INF/beans.xml, it does NOT count for the jars in it's WEB-INF/lib folder!
> This is pretty unhandy because you would need to repackage all your jars in your WEB-INF/lib folder and add/expand the <alternatives> sections in their beans.xml.
> Needless to say that this is not only hard to do in a company build but is also impossibly to handle at deploy time in an OSGi environment!
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For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
12 years, 4 months
CDI 1.1 weekly meeting
by pmuir@redhat.com
The following is a new meeting request:
Subject: CDI 1.1 weekly meeting
Organiser: Peter Muir <pmuir(a)redhat.com>
Time: 17:00:00 GMT+00:00 - 19:00:00 GMT+00:00
Recurrence: Every Monday. No end date. Effective Oct 29, 2012.
Invitees: "cdi-dev(a)lists.jboss.org" <cdi-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>, Mike Brock <cbrock(a)redhat.com>, Joseph Bergmark/Durham/IBM <bergmark(a)us.ibm.com>
Fixing the time of the meeting post DST changes in UK/something going wrong with the invite!
Weekly CDI 1.1 meeting
We will try to use Google Hangout, join #jsr346 10 minutes before the meeting to request an invite. Otherwise switch to the phone teleconference, see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0ApqHbXzB1R1gdGRFWXB4TVpNeWFJ... for details.
12 years, 4 months