well was thinking to both but I see it really nice to not rely only on
annotation - and aligned with most specs - since sometimes you just want to
either be able to rely on a loop or a custom config to register your
listeners. Annotations are too rigid for such cases.
Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau <
On 25/08/2015 16:31, John D. Ament wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 9:51 AM Nigel Deakin <nigel.deakin(a)oracle.com
<mailto:nigel.deakin@oracle.com>> wrote:
> On 24/08/2015 21:24, John D. Ament wrote:
> >
> > Hi Nigel!
> >
> > Glad to hear from you. Was wondering, is there a way to manually
register listeners?
> The current proposal is is for the bean to start listening just as
soon as it is created (by CDI), and for it to stop
> listening just before it is destroyed (by CDI).
> As you suggesting that CDI would create the listener, but the
application would call some method to tell it to start
> listening? or did you have something else in mind?
> Hmm, this would mean that only app scoped beans would apply?
> It might be better to scan for the annotations and use that to start up
the listener?
I was just making a guess at what you might had in mind by "manually
register listeners".
> > It would be great if this could
> > be leveraged in a CDI SE environment as well as EE environment.
> I see that work is underway for CDI 2.0 to define how CDI might work
in a Java SE environment. I don't see why a similar
> portable extension could not be created for use in Java SE. Since
there would be no need to support Java EE behaviour
> such as transactions this could be built directly on top of the JMS
provider's Java SE client. No need to use a resource
> adapter. However since the @JMSListener and @JMSConnectionFactory
annotations use JNDI there would be a need to be a way
> to specify which JNDI InitialContext to use. I'm not proposing any
of this at the moment, but it might perhaps be
> something that we (the JMS expert group) could consider later on as
a optional part of JMS 2.1.
> There's also the Java EE application client to consider.
> Nigel
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