BTW, looks like Bob Lee is active because I can see he is planned to be in
the expert group of Java Platform Module System
On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Antoine Sabot-Durand <
antoine(a)> wrote:
Hi all,
Just to give you a small feedback of my Devoxx week regarding CDI and CDI
2.0 (for the rest, what happens in Devoxx stays in Devoxx ;) )
1) Great expectations:
I’m not going to state the obvious, but end user and other specs are
watching us and expect a lot from CDI 2.0 (the question of total EJB
replacement came more than once)
2) Antonin Stefanutti and myself delivered a very valuable content in our
CDI advanced university. I don’t remember being so proud of a talk material
I released before. I encourage you to give it an eye and use it if you
want. you can watch it on Slideshare [1] or grab the source slides on
Antonin’s Github repo [2]
3) Other spec are really willing to have a better integration.
I met JMS, Servlet, JSF and MVC spec leaders, they all are looking for a
better integration with CDI and are ok to take CDI specific part related to
their spec back in their spec (Servlet and JSF mostly). Working with them
will bring a more consistent Java EE and will reduce extra code from the
4) After months of discussion I finally met Jurgen Hoeller (Spring
Framework) and Christian Gruber (Dagger and Guice) and we all agreed on a
new version or MR of AtInject spec. Juergen will probably be the spec lead
and we hope to have the big work done before mid 2015 (cross finger) to met
our various agenda. That will probably add extra work for CDI 2.0 but will
bring clarity and a good signal to the community. Thanks to Antonio who
helped me on this.
For those who remember the history of JSR 330 and JSR 299 the following
picture will be nearly an historical one ;) [3]
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Antonio Goncalves
Software architect, Java Champion and Pluralsight author
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