Your understanding matches my understanding, and matches what I typically
tell people to do (use @PreDestroy).
I think this is more of a use case for lower scopes, or for a dependent
bean (which I would imagine would receive this event, though I can't say
I've tried).
On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 2:56 PM Mark Struberg <struberg(a)> wrote:
The CDI-1.2 spec says in 6.7.3:
„An event with qualifier @Initialized(ApplicationScoped.class) is fired
when the application context is initialized and an event with qualifier
@Destroyed(ApplicationScoped.class) is fired when the application is
destroyed. "
Now from the pure wording („IS initialized“, „IS destroyed“) I’d say that
both events must be fired _after_ the state is reached. Means _after_ the
context got initialized and _after_ the context got destroyed.
Means an observer like
public class MyBean {
public void endIt(@Observes @Destroyed(ApplicationScoped.class)
endObject) {
will _never_ get invoked.
Because the bean (and the whole context) will be already killed…
You can observe this event in a @Singleton scoped bean, but not in an
@ApplicationScoped bean.
If you like to do _that_, then simply use a @PreDestroy.
Do others share this interpretation? Do we need to clarify anything?
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