I'm sorry John but if you need concrete answer you should provide
concrete instructions.
In the TCK test there is @Dependent Foo which injects InjectionPoint and
then the test does @Inject @Any Instance<Foo>, obtains the Foo instance
and inspects the InjectionPoint metadata. In fact, bar.getFoo() returns
a child Instance<Foo> with additional qualifier @Default. So it should
Dne 11.9.2017 v 13:25 John Ament napsal(a):
Sorry, but I'm looking for a concrete answer. The tests you point to
never test when the injection point is an Instance<> or Provider<>, e.g.
the CDI built in beans.
What I'm looking for would be something like "It should be a
ParameterizedType impl that represents Instance<Foo>" or "It should be
the class Foo.class" or something else along those lines.
*From:* Martin Kouba <mkouba(a)redhat.com>
*Sent:* Monday, September 11, 2017 7:00 AM
*To:* John Ament; cdi-dev
*Subject:* Re: [cdi-dev] Expected value of getType() for the injection
point of an Instance object
Hi John,
I believe it should be the required type of the injected Instance (which
is the type parameter specified at the injection point - defined in
"5.6.1. The Instance interface" and "5.5.7. Injection point
unless you modify the type using Instance.select().
getType() is tested in:
and line 75
and line 87
Dne 11.9.2017 v 12:40 John Ament napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I found a small issue within OWB. The closest found TCK test (found by
> Romain) is
> tests the Instance type, but not the value of InjectionPoint.getType().
> What should be the return value of getType() here?
> John
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Senior Software Engineer
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