C'mon Jozef, your approach is NOT portable. This will trash all other javax
ELResolvers. You fix a broken CDI paragraph by utterly and finally breaking another
framework. That's just no solution.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jozef Hartinger <jharting(a)redhat.com>
To: Mark Struberg <struberg(a)yahoo.de>; Cdi-dev <cdi-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>
Cc: Edward Burns <edward.burns(a)oracle.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 14 January 2015, 10:54
Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Fw: Answer from EL spec lead: no, "." is not valid in an
EL name.
I think further action is needed on this. Now that it has been confirmed
that "javax.enterprise.context.conversation" itself is not a valid EL
name we should either:
A) Require all CDI implementations to adapt the property-based approach
which allows this to be implemented portably (as Weld does)
B) Declare publicly that although the CDI spec declares the given name,
it is a bug and applications should not use the name. (What about
compatibility with existing applications?)
On 01/08/2015 09:27 AM, Mark Struberg wrote:
> Dear CDI fellows!
> I've received an answer regarding our EL question from the EL Spec
> Ed, thanks for helping us!
> LieGrue,
> strub
>> On Tuesday, 6 January 2015, 23:14, Edward Burns
<edward.burns(a)oracle.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Mark,
>> To close this out, no, "." is not valid in an EL name. An EL
>> must
>> be a java identifier. I'm told this was discussed by Pete a long
>> ago in the EL 3.0 EG.
>> Ed
>> --
>> | edward.burns(a)oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
>> | 42 days til DevNexus 2015
>> | 52 days til JavaLand 2015
>> | 62 days til CONFESS 2015
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