Responses in-line:
On Nov 16, 2015, at 5:44 PM, Romain Manni-Bucau
<rmannibucau(a)> wrote:
2015-11-16 14:40 GMT-08:00 Reza Rahman <reza.rahman(a)>:
> In terms of CDI and EJB alignment, I think these would have the most
> value to the community going forward:
> * The equivalent of EJB @Startup, @DependsOn in CDI (Spring core has
> similarly nice syntax to handle eager loading).
@Startup is there with @Initialized(ApplicationScoped) event
@DependsOn is less important than for EJB IMO cause all CDI is lazy
and full of proxies so not sure it would bring much to the game
without bringing really much more like @Schedule etc...
Yes, I know but eager loading is a common enough case to warrant better syntax/usability.
> * The equivalent of EJB @Asynchronous, @Lock and @AccessTimeout for CDI.
> These are very useful bits of functionality that should be available to
> plain CDI beans without EJB. A similar @MaxConcurrency could also be
> extremely useful. EJB @Schedule is similarly useful but likely not right
> for CDI proper as it does not have that much to do with component
> life-cycle/bean access management. The others I think are quite natural
> fits for the core of a DI framework (in fact it may be awkward to have
> them elsewhere).
Think concurrency utilities can have a CDI integration rather than
putting everything in CDI. It is globally all interceptors - at least
in term of design - so would make sense to have them outside IMO - but
a big +1 to get them cleanly added on top of CDI.
Keep in mind, Java EE concurrency utilities is also minimally resourced and that's
unlikely to change in the future. I would say if we think these features would help
community/CDI adoption, it's likely wisest to find a way to do it in CDI proper. As I
alluded to, these are also a bit easier to implement at the core DI container level than
via interceptors. Things like @Transcational, @Schedule are easier as interceptors since
they don't have as much to do with the internals of the component life-cycle and
instance access control.
> As to doing more work in EJB, honestly it's likely best to leave EJB be
> at this stage. If there is a compelling reason that helps the platform
> and CDI generally we can see if it can be done. By default, EJB is
> pretty minimally resourced for Java EE 8 and that's pretty hard to
> change at this stage. In the community I have mostly seen requests for
> moving functionality out of EJB into CDI rather than the other way around...
>> On 11/11/2015 2:47 PM, Mark Struberg wrote:
>> Hi!
>> We already do a decent amount of ‚side-by-side‘ handling in EJB and CDI. But
there are still many aready where we could really move together much closer.
>> E.g. the CDI spec defines that @Vetoed on EJBs must get accounted by the EJB
container. But what happens with ProcessAnnotatedType#veto(). This one is not defined that
clearly I fear.
>> What if we (of course together with the EJB spec group) define that the EJB
container must create the EJBs according to the effective AnnotatedType coming out after
ProcessAnnotatedType? This would define that EJBs can also get modified via CDI
Extensions. Some container do that already.
>> The benefit of explicitly writing this down would obviously be that we would
allow EJB to fully utilize the power of CDI Extensions in a portable way.
>> Any objections, any ideas, any howtos?
>> Let the ideas roll ;)
>> LieGrue,
>> strub
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