Meaning SE API adds stuff to what EE already needs not sub-setting it, so
you end up with more interfaces on SE than EE.
If the additional SE JAR is simply for bootstrapping on SE, that's
understandable, but it does not meet the idea of
5. Define a lightweight container, which takes the annotations
by the @Inject specification, defines the behaviour of the container
@Inject failed to do), and adds a couple of popular features from CDI such
as producer >methods. This will allow much wider adoption of CDI in the
Java world, and provide a great stepping stone between Java SE, a servlet
container, OSGi and a full Java EE server.
from the proposal.
Was that found out of scope or not doable in CDI 2?
Having 2 JARs where EE only nees one is not what I would consider
On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 3:23 PM, John Ament <john.ament(a)>
Thats why cdi-se-api depends on cdi-api.
*From:* Werner Keil <werner.keil(a)>
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 18, 2016 6:37 AM
*To:* John Ament
*Cc:* cdi-dev
*Subject:* Re: [cdi-dev] Spliting SE package in an independent jar
Yes, but on SE you can't just use the "cdi-se-api" on its own.
So SE on the API level needs 2 JARs not just one. That's what I mean.
I trust the sum of all JARs for an implementation would be somewhat
smaller on SE, otherwise the "Micro" idea of using a self-executable or
"Fat" JAR in those places would be ad-absurdum, if you end up with a "Fat
JAR" that's bigger than most existing app servers;-)
I would have expected a
kind of setup, but if it won't blow implementations on the SE side, I also
understand that.
On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 12:19 PM, John Ament <john.ament(a)
> wrote:
> Opposite Werner, EE API is larger and has the bulk of the content. SE
> API at this point has two classes.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* cdi-dev-bounces(a) <cdi-dev-bounces(a)>
> on behalf of Werner Keil <werner.keil(a)>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 18, 2016 5:27 AM
> *To:* cdi-dev
> *Subject:* Re: [cdi-dev] Spliting SE package in an independent jar
> So cdi-se-api is larger than the (core) EE API?
> An SE implementation should hopefully have a smaller footprint than
> current EE ones (e.g. Weld)?
> Werner
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 11:09 AM, <cdi-dev-request(a)>
> wrote:
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Re: Spliting SE package in an independent jar (Martin Kouba)
>> 2. [JBoss JIRA] (CDI-45) Optional Injection Points
>> (Martin Kouba (JIRA))
>> 3. [JBoss JIRA] (CDI-638) Introduce a new xsd for CDI 2.0
>> (Antoine Sabot-Durand (JIRA))
>> 4. [JBoss JIRA] (CDI-638) Introduce a new xsd for CDI 2.0
>> (Antoine Sabot-Durand (JIRA))
>> 5. No meeting tomorrow (Antoine Sabot-Durand)
>> 6. Re: Spliting SE package in an independent jar (Emily Jiang)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 09:56:24 +0200
>> From: Martin Kouba <mkouba(a)>
>> Subject: Re: [cdi-dev] Spliting SE package in an independent jar
>> To: John Ament <john.ament(a)>, Antoine Sabot-Durand
>> <antoine(a)>, cdi-dev
>> >
>> Message-ID: <616fdc4e-26f6-a8d7-16d3-fdceb71faa1f(a)>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
>> +1 for John's proposal.
>> So there will be two API artifacts:
>> * cdi-api
>> * cdi-se-api (depends on cdi-api)
>> Martin
>> Dne 12.10.2016 v 12:40 John Ament napsal(a):
>> > the way I've envisioned it:
>> >
>> >
>> > - There is no dedicated EE API (none that I could find that is EE only,
>> > except for perhaps session scoped)t
>> >
>> > - There is SE specific API and the current API could be considered
>> "core"
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Take the current API module and create two submodules, one for core and
>> > one for SE. SE depends on core. EE still refers to core as the same
>> > existing coordinates (create new coordinates for the parent).
>> >
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------
>> > *From:* cdi-dev-bounces(a)
>> > <cdi-dev-bounces(a)> on behalf of Antoine Sabot-Durand
>> > <antoine(a)>
>> > *Sent:* Wednesday, October 12, 2016 5:18 AM
>> > *To:* cdi-dev
>> > *Subject:* [cdi-dev] Spliting SE package in an independent jar
>> >
>> > to avoid including CDI SE features in Java EE, we already talk about
>> > creating a specific SE jar.
>> >
>> > Any thought on this approach?
>> >
>> > Antoine
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------
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>> >
>> --
>> Martin Kouba
>> Software Engineer
>> Red Hat, Czech Republic
>> _______________________________________________
>> cdi-dev mailing list
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>> in such information.
>> End of cdi-dev Digest, Vol 71, Issue 29
>> ***************************************
> ------------------------------
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