Hey folks!
I just wanted to inform everybody, that the JUG Cologne will be holding a Kickoff Event
for CDI 1.1 on Friday, 18. Jan. 2013 because we joined the Adopt-A-JSR program.
We will be presenting some general information about the program and what we want to
achieve with it. The will be a CDI HackNight afterwards where everybody can join in.
The first part will be presented onsite but we will stream it via Hangout OnAIr into the
world. The results of the HackNight will be summarized afterwards and made public to
If you have anything special that should be discussed, presented or tested, please let me
know! I am always there for ideas, criticism and feedback.
Last but not least the official link to the event:
Daniel Sachse
Wombat Software Technologies
Inh. Daniel Sachse
Bremsstraße 6c, D-50969 Köln
Email: mail(a)w0mb.at
Phone: 0221/16905638
Mobile: 01578/4922886